FRIDAY, 5/31/19
“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalm 119:11)
Miss Lillian Brinkman was admitted to the hospital yesterday afternoon and will have heart surgery this morning. Miss Lillian is a charter member of the Friendship family. She is still very active in our church hardly ever missing a service. She is ninety years old. What an inspiration. Pray that all goes well through this surgery.
Regular schedule this Sunday on our campus with one exception – no Discipleship Training. Please take note of that as it will remain true at least through July.
Our deacons will meet this Sunday at 5:00PM. Men, please note the change of the time.
McKemie Place ministry this Tuesday night, June 4, at 6:00PM. Pray. Participate if you can. Contact Randall Broome for more information.
I watched game one of the NBA finals last night and could not believe how the Raptors handled the Warriors. I figured it would be the Warriors in four. Not so fast my friend! Television drags the finals out way too long. It seems they will not play a potential game seven until some point in August!
The guy winning on Jeopardy these days is pretty incredible.
I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus. Can someone please tell me where May 2019 went?