Congratulations to the Faith Academy Rams and the Cottage Hill Academy Warriors as both of their volleyball teams have advanced to the state tournament in Montgomery this Saturday, 10/27. Faith won both of their matches yesterday beating Lee-Scott and Cottage Hill. Cottage Hill beat Macon East and then beat Lee-Scott to join Faith in making the field for state.
Jessica & Jamie Hall for Faith and Erica Stringfellow for Cottage Hill all played very well. It is an uncomfortable position for me when we have girls from the Friendship family on both teams as I remain very neutral team wise. I pull for the individual girls to do well. I applaud Faith on winning their regional and Cottage Hill on advancing to state. My hope is that they will be seeded in such a way as to meet in the state finals. Way to go Erica, Jessica, & Jamie! Great job on the book Brianne!
Mark Mast posted a comment on yesterday’s blog entry. He gives a nice update of what is currently happening in Canada. Take the time to read it.
The wildfires in California continue to burn at an amazing pace with 1,300 homes already destroyed, an estimated 68,000 in potential trouble, and over 500,000 folks displaced. I ask you to join me in praying for the folks involved in this most serious situation.
J.B. Kelley came home from the hospital shortly after noon yesterday. Gary Walton did well in his surgery so far as I know. I haven’t heard from Paul Smith but will try to get an update today. Pray for these folks.
Betty McDonald, Belvin’s wife, was admitted to the hospital yesterday afternoon. She has been taking radiation five days a week and chemotherapy once a week. She began to have some problems yesterday and it now appears that the cancer has spread to some other areas of her body. Please pray fervently for Betty, Belvin, and the family.
I believe in the conspiracy theory! Yesterday, I received a package via express mail and the return address was from Jacksonville, Florida. The sender was Trish Cohen – sweet, loving, kind, Christlike Trish Cohen for whom we have been praying during her recent surgeries and battle with cancer. Wouldn’t hurt the proverbial flea!
As I opened the package, I discovered a t-shirt. Not just any t-shirt but one that has ARKANSAS RAZORBACKS FOOTBALL written on it with a picture of one of those nasty hogs! I almost lost my supper!
Here is my theory: Bret Hart & Brandon Lee are behind this as they are Hog fans. I even think Ross Genzink is involved! Bret lives in TN, Brandon works in LA, Ross lives in MI, and Trish is in FL. Never mind that Bret and Brandon have never met Trish or Ross. See how the picture comes together? Trish has been used by these cruel men!
Oh well, I opened the package at 10:00PM last night and immediately went outside and washed my car and dog – nothing like having a new rag to wash your car & dog! I then allowed my dog, Lucky, to play with the Hog! Folks, it could have been worse and all is well that ends well!
It is Wednesday which means two services and two Bible studies for me. I am also preparing to go out of town tomorrow but those details will come in tomorrow’s entry.
By the way, thank the Lord for the cooler temperatures that came our way yesterday!
I pray that you will have a blessed day with Jesus.