I had good intentions of posting yesterday but I never turned my computer on which is the norm for me on a Sunday. Let me briefly recap what has been happening the past couple of days – I was able to attend the Michigan game in the “Big House” and that was an enjoyable day. Ross Genzink was a great host leaving no stones unturned and the weather even cooperated as we got wet going to the stadium but it didn’t rain during the game. The seats were in an excellent location and we had a great day arriving back in Zeeland around midnight.
Yesterday morning Lisa and I attended the worship service with Ross & Kathy at Maranatha Reformed Church in Holland. They are celebrating their 50th anniversary (the church, not Ross & Kathy) and it was a good service as they had a former Pastor come bring the message. We saw a number of friends who have joined us on trips to Guatemala so that was a good thing too!
We then left there and hurriedly made our way over to the service at the Vriesland Reformed Church. They were hosting a ministry from West Africa and that was special. We arrived late but were able to visit with a number of friends who have joined us on a GRACE trip in days gone by. Caroline & Betty were in that service as this is where Tom & Shari Compagner are members. Good service and good fellowship.
Lunch at the Genzinks was like a Mast family reunion i.e. Harold & Joyce, Gary & Jill, Tom & Shari, Ross & Kathy and some of their family members. Brian Cochran was there also. Brian was with us on the August ’07 GRACE trip as was Leah Compagner and they began dating upon their return home. That GRACE trip saw Daryn & Kira get engaged and then this with Brian & Leah. I didn’t have time to discuss wedding plans with Brian & Leah yesterday but I am thinking June of ’08 would be nice! Tom has deep pockets so that should be some wedding! Everyone is invited!
Late yesterday afternoon, Lisa and I drove to Paw Paw to visit with my Uncle Bill & his wife, Rosita. Bill is battling cancer and recently had surgery. We were pleasantly surprised to arrive and find two of my aunts, Alice & Linda, one cousin, Tony, and Alice’s sister-in-law there too. That was a delightful time with family and one I will cherish for many years.
Tonight, we will host the GRACE Ministries pig roast. The ladies are off shopping and will soon begin cooking the meal. Tom Compagner will roast the pig. I am looking forward to seeing many friends and enjoying a great evening of fellowship.
I want to congratulate the Faith Academy volleyball team on winning state this past Saturday. Jessica & Jamie Hall are on the team and Brianne Woods is the scorekeeper. Jamie made the all tournament team too! Also, I congratulate the Cottage Hill Academy team on their runner up finish. I wish there could have been two state champions. Erica Stringfellow plays for CHCA and they had a great season. Congratulations Faith & Cottage Hill.
I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.