
SATURDAY, 12/28/24

Good morning from the bustling town of Rocky Ford, Alabama.  Lisa and I left Montevallo after the committal service for our friend, Decker Terry, on Thursday afternoon and headed North.  Lisa dropped me off at the West Point High School (Cullman County) just in time to catch Danville’s varsity basketball game.  So the past couple of days have seen us spending time with Eddie & Sue who are such gracious hosts.  It has also seen me basically “cut the cord” when it comes to the internet, cell phone, et cetera.  If you have messaged me in any form then I am sorry if you did not get a reply.  Thank you for understanding.

We will have a family gathering today beginning at noon before beginning our journey home in what appears to be very stormy weather.  Pray for us.

One service tomorrow on our campus and it begins at 10:00AM.

Church bowling fellowship tomorrow night from 6:00PM until 10:00PM at the Spanish Trail Lanes in Gautier, MS.  Everyone is invited to attend.  The cost is six dollars per person with a maximum of twenty-five dollars per immediate family.  Come join us!

I hope to see many members of the Friendship family in our service tomorrow morning and then at the fellowship.

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I pray that you will have a great Christmas Eve today.  Such a special day!

This afternoon at 5:00PM we will begin our special service in the auditorium.  It will conclude no later than 6:00PM.  My prayer and hope is that we will fill the building with people and praise.  O come let us adore Him!

Remember, this Sunday, 12/29, will see us have only one service on our campus.  That service will begin at 10:00AM and should last around one hour.  Let’s end 2024 in a huge way spiritually and numerically!

It is my hope that a large number of the Friendship family will join us at the Spanish Trail Lanes on Sunday evening, 12/29, beginning at 6:00PM for fellowship and bowling.  We have reserved the entire bowling center from 6:00PM until 10:00PM.  Plan to attend and invite others to join you.  The cost is six dollars per person with a maximum of twenty-five dollars per immediate family.  Come one, come all!

The celebration of life service for our friend, Decker Terry, will take place this Thursday, 12/26.  That will take place in Prattville, AL followed by his burial in Montevallo, AL.  Pray for Decker’s family and friends.

Merry Christmas!

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THURSDAY, 12/19/24

Hats off to our Co-op teachers, parents and teachers for doing a great job of hosting our senior adults yesterday morning.  It was awesome!  A job well done.  The attendance was strong and the spirit was excellent!  Just an all around great day!  Praise the Lord!

I am not sure if JoNell got discharged from the hospital yesterday.  Peggy gets a reprimand on this one – LOL!  Keep praying for JoNell!

Clint’s father-in-law’s surgery went well.  Praise Jesus.  Keep praying for Donnie.

The celebration of life service for Decker Terry will not take place until 12/26.

Lisa and I are traveling to Decatur, AL today to be with Mama.  All four of her children are supposed to be in attendance.  Lisa and I will then go through Tuscaloosa tomorrow for a little Christmas with some friends.

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

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WEDNESDAY, 12/18/24

Wow, one week from Christmas Day 2024!  Amazing!

I do not have an update on Eddie Brinkman but “assume” that he was discharged from the hospital yesterday.  The fault for me not knowing lies squarely at my feet.  I will get an update today.  Keep praying for Eddie & Lisa.

JoNell Barnes was transported by ambulance yesterday afternoon to the hospital.  She was finally admitted late last night.  It “appears” her problem is low potassium as all of the other tests came back good.  Hopefully, she will be discharged at some point today.

Speaking of JoNell brings to mind Tim Knighten’s brother who went to a Western state to have knee replacement surgery.  Unfortunately, he suffered a stroke behind one of his eyes a day or so before his surgery.  Not good.  Pray for Tim’s brother.  I think we will come back home later this week.

Pastor Clint Landry messaged me this morning to let me know that his father-in-law, Donnie Hughes, will be having triple bypass surgery on his heart today.  Pray for all to go well.

I left fairly early yesterday morning to go visit our friend, Decker Terry, in Montgomery.  Lisa called me about an hour into the drive to let me know that Decker had entered Heaven.  I call Sherry and made the decision to go ahead to Montgomery.  I arrived shortly after the the hospice nurse and was able to be there with the family and caregivers until they removed Decker’s body.  I am sad for Decker’s family and friends but I am happy for Decker as his prayer has been answered.  Arrangements pending.  Pray for the family.

Senior adult holiday meal today from 10:00AM until noon.  Looking forward to it!

Our Christmas Eve service has always taken place from 5:00PM until 6:00PM which will be the case again this year.  We will start promptly at 5:00PM and end absolutely no later than 6:00PM.  O come let us adore Him!

By the way, regular service on our campus this Sunday morning and evening.  Praying for a full house!

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.

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TUESDAY, 12/17/24

Sorry for the lack of entries for the past few days.  Life happens and unexpected things arise.

Eddie Brinkman had surgery yesterday morning.  It was shorter than anticipated and went well.  He is expected to be discharged today.  Pray for Eddie & his wife, Lisa.

Our friend, Decker Terry, is physically low.  He is now bed ridden and wants the Lord to take him to Heaven.  Pray for Decker and his caregivers.

The Lord blessed us with a good day of worship this past Sunday.  Special thanks to Jeanette Bates for leading our adult choir in partnership with the adult choir from First Baptist Grand Bay.  They did a nice job.

Also, thank you to Kim Tillman for “tending the fort” while our other musical folks were away Sunday morning.  Plus, a thank you goes to Matt Mills for leading our morning worship with an assist from his friend, David, from Lucedale, MS.  Grateful!

We will have our senior adult holiday meal tomorrow from 10:00AM until noon in our Preschool Building.  Pray for this ministry.

Our basketball leagues will play this Friday night and Saturday before taking a weekend off for Christmas.  Keep praying for this ministry.

We are on a regular schedule tomorrow night.

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.


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THURSDAY, 12/12/24

Mike & Cindy Perry’s granddaughter, Everly, continues to be in critical condition.  I ask you to join me in praying for her, her family and the medical folks giving care and making decisions.

Word came to me yesterday that our great friend, Decker Terry, in Montgomery, AL is not doing well physically.  He is begging God for mercy and so wants to go to Heaven.  Pray for Decker and his caregivers.

To my knowledge, the entire GRACE Ministries team is now home.  Deidra, the girls and Chino left Guatemala last night and will spend a week or so in Florida.  Lord willing, I will arrive home tonight.

Regular schedule with a “twist” on our campus this Sunday.

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

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WEDNESDAY, 12/11/24

I failed to recognize our oldest church member, Bill Goff, on his ninety-sixth birthday yesterday.  My mistake and my apologies.  I know his daughters and their families made sure he had a great day.  Happy belated birthday, Bill.

Regular schedule on our campus today – morning and evening.

The celebration of life service for Pastor Terry Glasscock takes place today beginning at 1:00PM for First Baptist Wilmer. Continue to pray for the Glasscock family and the First Wilmer family.  Again, Pastor Terry was a good man.  A man of God.

It is moving day on GRACE Mountain.  Fourteen team members left at 3:00AM and twenty-three others will leave the mountain at 9:00AM.  Pray for traveling mercies for these folks.

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus!


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TUESDAY, 12/10/24

Nothing new to report from the home front this morning.  I do ask that you continue to pray for Miss Johnnie Grant.

Mike & Cindy Perry’s granddaughter, Everly, had major heart surgery yesterday.  She was listed in critical condition.  Pray!

The visitation with Pastor Terry Glasscock’s family takes place tonight at First Baptist Wilmer.  Pray for the family and the church family.

Today marks the official twenty-sixth anniversary of the Lord adding Dana & Gina to our family.  Memories.  Thankful!

Evangelist Bruce Gill would be celebrating his sixty-eighth birthday today.  Wow!  I miss my good friend, Bruce!

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.

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MONDAY, 12/9/24

Here are words that are proverbial music to my ears:

*We had a good day yesterday. We had a nice crowd and bro Johnny did an excellent job preaching.

*Gary and Rachel had the ice cream truck come as an after church treat for the kids.

*The children’s choir did an absolute amazing job.

Bro. Abel sent an email to me during the night sharing these things.  Lisa had already messaged me basically sharing the same words.  To God be the glory!  Friendship family, “thank you!”

Bro. Abel also shared that Miss Johnnie is doing much better physically and that she “may” be discharged from the hospital today.  Keep praying!

The visitation with Pastor Terry Glasscock’s family will take place tomorrow night and the celebration of life service will take place Wednesday afternoon.  I am still reeling from his passing.  Pray for his family and his church family.

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.

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SUNDAY, 12/8/24

My heart is heavy this morning as the news came to me that Pastor Terry Glasscock, First Baptist Wilmer, passed from this life early yesterday morning.  I have had a restless night.  Pastor Terry preached for us at Friendship on Sunday evening, May 5, 2024.  God used him to speak to us.  Pastor Terry was a wonderful man of God.  I know that his family and his church family are devastated today.  I am asking the Friendship family to join me in praying for the Glasscock family and the First Baptist Wilmer family.  May the God of all comfort sustain them as only He can!

Bro. Abel messaged me to say that there were over sixteen hundred folks in attendance in our CAB for yesterday’s basketball games.  Wow!  He said the day went well.  To God be the glory!

Bro. Abel also shared with me that Miss Johnnie Grant is in the hospital and will most likely be there for a few more days.  Pray for Miss Johnnie and Charles.

My prayer is that many members of the Friendship family will attend the services on our campus today.  Evangelist Johnny Tucker will be preaching AM & PM and our children’s choir will be ministering as a part of the evening service.

Big day for the GRACE Ministries team today as we have church this morning and then the wedding ceremony of Johnathan & Hilda this afternoon.  May God be glorified.

I pray that you will have a great Sunday with Jesus.

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