
FRIDAY, 1/31/25

Many of the things that I heard as a youngster have become reality.  Yes, time does seem to go by faster the older one gets.  January 2025 is almost history.  Wow!  Eddie A and I were taking Deidra and the girls to the airport (1/1/25) yesterday afternoon and now the month is gone.

Daphne tells me that last night’s meeting focusing on the Women’s Resource Center was good. Good attendance and good spirit.  Praise the Lord!

The GRACE team that left GRACE Mountain yesterday morning all arrived home safe and sound.  Don Redder sent me a message around 2:30AM saying the Western Michiganders had just gotten home after being delayed in Miami.  Thank the Lord for traveling mercies.

The second GRACE Ministries team of 2025 arrived on GRACE Mountain around 4:00PM yesterday.  All is well.  I am excited to have Jerry & Sharon Poiroux and Harold Dueitt on this team.

Our basketball leagues finish their season tonight and tomorrow.  Pray for this ministry.

Friendship family, remember The Inspirations will be in concert at Frienship one week from tonight, 2/7, beginning at 6:00PM.  A love offering will be received.  Pray, attend and bring others with you.

Regular schedule on our campus this Sunday morning and evening.

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.

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THURSDAY, 1/30/25

First, my prayers and thoughts are with the sixty-seven families of the folks on the plane and helicopter that collided last night in DC.  What a tragedy.

Tonya Gordon’s great-nephew, Rylan, was taken back to Birmingham yesterday due to some issues with his heart.  Pray for infant Rylan and his family.  Thank you to Cecil Guidry for sending me the prayer request.

Daphne & Lisa a hosting a speaker from the Women’s Resource Center tonight at our house beginning at 6:00PM.  All ladies of the Friendship family are invited to attend.  Questions?  Contact Daphne or Lisa.

The team on GRACE Mountain for the past six days left this morning and the next team is literally on their way as I type this entry.  Pray for traveling mercies for both teams.

Bro. Abel tells me that our services yesterday were well attended.  Praise the Lord!  Thank you Friendship family.

By the way, Jarrod Sessions sent me some pictures of the work taking place in the auditorium foyer.  Exciting!

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

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MONDAY, 1/27/25

Good Monday morning from GRACE Mountain.  It thrilled my heart last night to receive word from Bro. Abel and my wife that we had a good day in our services yesterday at Friendship.  One of the things that Bro. Abel shared with good spirit that was prevalent in each of the services.  Lisa echoed that and the fact the our attendance was good too.  To God be the glory!

The visitation with the Phil Sims family will take place tomorrow, 1/28, from 1:00PM until the 2:00PM service.  Everything will take place from the Ridglea Heights Baptist Church 12601 Highway 613 Moss Point, MS.  The burial will take place in the Grand Bay Cemetery.  Keep praying for the Phil Sims family.

The Inspirations will be at Friendship on Friday, 2/7, beginning at 6:00PM.  Pass the word!  Invite others to join you for this special service.

One more week of basketball and then it is on to soccer a couple of weeks later.  Pray for our sports ministry.

A good number of the folks on GRACE Mountain have asked me about “Special Bill!”  I am serious!  LOL!

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus!


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SATURDAY, 1/25/25

Sorry for the lack of blog entries this week.  I could go into the reasons but that would just be boring.  I appreciate your understanding.

I was saddened Thursday afternoon to learn of the passing of Phil Sims.  The heart surgery was delayed so it never took place.  I do not know any details of Phil’s passing or of the arrangements but I do ask that you pray for Phil’s children and family during this time.

Basketball took place last night and will continue today.  This is week seven of eight.  Pray for a strong finish.  I continue to be thankful for the volunteers who make this ministry a reality.

The Friendship family hosted a service at the Mission of Hope last night.  Bro. Chris Scofield preached and his twin daughters sang the specials.  I am sure it went well.  Thank you to Carl Ray Moulds for coordinating this ministry each month.

Happy belated birthday to our grandson, Jayden, as he turned seven years old yesterday, 1/24.  I pray that he had a great day!

Regular schedule on our campus tomorrow morning and evening.  I am praying for a house filled with folks!

I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

MONDAY, 1/20/25

Welcome to the afternoon edition of today’s blog.  Why late?  Technical difficulties.  Sorry!

What an awesome Sunday the Lord blessed us with yesterday!  Strong attendances.  An excellent Spirit was present all day long.  The “souper” fellowship following our evening service as super!  We adopted a 2025 budget, voted to renovate the foyer (including the two bathrooms) and to build the bus barn.  Pastor Alfredo and our Hispanic family members joined us for the evening service and the fellowship.  Great day!  Thank you Jesus!

NO services, classes, et cetera on our campus this Wednesday, January 22, 2025.  Nothing will be taking place.  Please pass the word as not everyone reads my blog entries!

Phil Sims is in the hospital and will have major heart surgery on Thursday, 1/23.  Pray for all to go well.

Bro. Jerry is also in a local hospital. Pray for the medical folks to diagnose his problems.

After watching the events in the rotunda today, I am going to give Rhett, Shawn, Brandon, Titus and anyone else involved a pass when it comes to technical difficulties in our auditorium.  Carrie Underwood did an outstanding job of singing avocado!

I pray that you will have a great Monday afternoon with Jesus!

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FRIDAY, 1/17/25

Good morning on this a “bit cool” Friday morning.  “If” the weather folks are correct, today will be like a heat wave compared to what is heading our way from Siberia early next week.  No wonder Sgt. Hans Georg Schultz always dreaded the possibility of being assigned to Siberia!  Smart guy!

I have been following the weather forecast (obviously) and I love it when they say it “may” snow next Tuesday but they will know more after two or three more days pass by.  Hello!  I will know by next Thursday!  LOL!

So, I have prayed and thought about it and have reached this decision.  We are going to move all of our Wednesday night services/classes set for 1/22 to this Sunday night, 1/19, beginning at 5:00PM.  I will teach/preach from the book of Titus.  Then, we will move to the CAB for a time of food and fellowship.  The food will be soup and/or chili plus dessert.  Here is what we need you to bring:  yourself, your family, guests and enough of your favorite soup/chili and dessert to feed those coming with you plus two others.

Then, our campus will be empty on Wednesday, 1/22, with no services, classes, et cetera.  Pass the word as (this may surprise you!) not everyone reads my blog entries.  Deidra and Daphne, help me here!  By the way, stock up on bread and milk on Monday.  Why?  Because that is what you do when an impending snow/sleet storm is coming!  Hello!

Our Finance Committee will present the proposed 2025 budget in a meeting scheduled to begin at 4:00PM this Sunday, 1/19.  Yes, it will be a time to ask questions and to have discussion.  My prayer is that it will be more of a time of adoration to God for His financial blessings on the Friendship family.  God has been good to us!  I also pray that it will be a time of affirmation for our Finance Committee as they, in my opinion, have done an excellent job of leading us financially.  Thank you, brothers!  May it also be a time for each of us to examine our giving to the Lord through the church.  Are we being faithful individually?  I am very thankful to God and to each person who gives to Him through the church.

Lisa and I went to eat “supper” at Waffle House last night.  (If it is good enough for Sonny & Jeanette then it good enough for us!). Remember the Pentecostals from last Thursday night?  Lisa and I settle into our booth last night and in walks another Pentecostal.  “Oh, how are you guys doing?  Just stopped by to get some food for my family and me.  Yes, I heard about you seeing some of our church family members in here last week.  That was so nice of you to buy their meal!”  I will let you finish the story!  We have to stop going to the local WH!

Got to speak with Bro. Abel yesterday about their trip.  He did finish the marathon ahead of Pam Baker.  However, Pam rode three rides and ate three turkey legs while Bro. Abel could only do two of each.

Basketball tonight and tomorrow in our CAB.  Early soccer registration takes place this weekend too.  Pray for our sports ministry.  I am thankful for Bro. Abel and all who help in this ministry.  Even if you do not want to watch basketball or sign up for soccer, come support our student ministry by buying a combo meal from the concession stand.  Five dollars will get you a burger, fries and soft drink.  You will not beat that price!

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.  Friendship family, remember the soup/chili/dessert fellowship this Sunday night, 1/19, following the evening service.  (Bro. Jerry Whitmore – this is not a “souper soup fellowship!”  Just saying.  LOL!)


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THURSDAY, 1/16/25

Amazing!  Just amazing!  Stacie Sessions had surgery on Tuesday, arrived home around 3:00PM yesterday and was in our 6:30PM service last night.  Are you kidding me?  I asked her, “why are you here?”  Her reply, “because God wants me here and the devil does not!”  Amazing!

Good day in our services yesterday.  Praise the Lord!  Thank you to those who attended!

Ladies Helping Hands will meet tonight beginning at 6:00PM in the preschool building.  All ladies invited to attend.

Yancey Hall will begin receiving chemo treatments next week.  Pray for Yancey.

Our Finance Committee will lead our meeting this Sunday, 1/19, to discuss the proposed budget for 2025.  A vote, with no further discussion, will take place in our evening service.  Again, I appreciate this committee and their efforts.  Obviously, God has blessed us and we give Him the praise!

I did not realize until yesterday that the evening with the Inspirations will begin at 6:00PM on Friday, February 7.  A love offering will be received.  Pray and, if possible, attend.

Yesterday afternoon, Bro. Chris & I met with the officer who will be on duty on our campus beginning this Sunday, 1/19.

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.


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WEDNESDAY, 1/15/25

Good morning! Regular schedule on our campus this morning and evening.  I hope to be joined by a good number of the Friendship family.

Stacie Sessions had surgery yesterday.  As far as I know, all went well,  Pray for her recovery.

No updates on the others for whom we have been praying.  Keep praying.

We are “safe” from the colder temperatures until this Sunday night.  We will then see lows of 26, 28 & 29 on consecutive nights.

Friendship family, we have a great need for nursery and preschool workers this year.  Some of our seasoned workers have served for years and we need to help them by finding others (younger) folks to serve.  Contact Katelyn Johnson if you will help!

Proposed budget meeting this Sunday afternoon at 4:00PM in the auditorium.  Vote on the budget, no further discussion, during the evening service.

Pray for the folks being affected by the fires in California.

Spoke to a friend, Don Redder, in Michigan yesterday around noon.  They had just gotten nine inches of snow in three hours.  Wow!

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.

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MONDAY, 1/13/25

We were blessed with a good day in our services yesterday.  Thank you, Jesus.  I appreciate folks who are faithful!

The Inspirations will be at Friendship on Friday night, 2/7.  Everyone welcome.  Invite others to join you.

Pastor Jim Reed is off the ventilator and is breathing on his own.  He has been moved from ICU to a regular room.  Praise the Lord!

Tonya Gordon’s great nephew, Rylan, was scheduled to come off the ventilator yesterday.  Keep praying!

Aninha Barrett’s brother will be having surgery tomorrow.  Pray for all to go well.

Regular schedule on our campus this Wednesday – morning and evening.

The second mission team of 2025 arrived on GRACE Mountain yesterday (last night).  They lost Friday and Saturday so pray they can have a productive time during the days they are in country.

Deidra posted another blog entry this past Saturday.  Two entries in one year – amazing!  Good read.

Bro. Abel finished the marathon.  Congratulations!

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

FRIDAY, 1/10/25

Good morning!  My kind of weather day – cooler and raining!  Honestly, I would love to be in the northern part of Alabama watching it snow!  I love watching the snow fall!  So, watching a nice soft rain is a nice alternative.

Bro. Abel is visiting with M&M in Orlando.  So, he will not be present to lead our basketball ministry tonight and tomorrow.  Have no fear as Shawn & Kristi have this covered!  They do a great job!  Two games tonight and eight games tomorrow.  Pray for this ministry!

Hey, want to help our student ministry?  Come buy a meal from the concession stand tonight/tomorrow as all proceeds go to help our students attend camp this Summer.  You can get a hamburger, fries and a drink for only five dollars.  Best deal in town!  And all for a great cause!  You do not have to watch the game(s).  We just need your support!

Remember, there is a noon deadline (today) to place an order for Stacey’s & Gayla’s gumbo.  See yesterday’s entry for the information.

Keep praying for Pastor Jim Reed.

Regular schedule on our campus this Sunday morning and evening.

A word of special thanks to James Clark and Scott Fontenot.  James came to our house on Monday and greatly improved our internet service.  We were downloading at two or three and now we are at twenty.  Awesome!  James is the man!  (Rhett taught him everything he knows!).  Scott came at 9:30PM on Wednesday night and drove me to Mobile.  Greatly appreciated!  Scott, welcome to the world of being a deacon – just saying!

Most of the folks who left GRACE Mountain got home early, early this morning.  Some are still in the airports.  The second group (Michigan) who were supposed to arrive on GRACE Mountain remain at home.  They should be able to fly tomorrow and Sunday.  Both groups have had amazing attitudes through it all.

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.

P.S. – Lisa and I went to WH last night for supper.  Got hit up by a couple of Pentecostals wanting us to pick up their ticket.  Said something like, “gave all of our money in the church offering!”  Those Pentecostals!


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