FRIDAY, 1/10/25
Good morning! My kind of weather day – cooler and raining! Honestly, I would love to be in the northern part of Alabama watching it snow! I love watching the snow fall! So, watching a nice soft rain is a nice alternative.
Bro. Abel is visiting with M&M in Orlando. So, he will not be present to lead our basketball ministry tonight and tomorrow. Have no fear as Shawn & Kristi have this covered! They do a great job! Two games tonight and eight games tomorrow. Pray for this ministry!
Hey, want to help our student ministry? Come buy a meal from the concession stand tonight/tomorrow as all proceeds go to help our students attend camp this Summer. You can get a hamburger, fries and a drink for only five dollars. Best deal in town! And all for a great cause! You do not have to watch the game(s). We just need your support!
Remember, there is a noon deadline (today) to place an order for Stacey’s & Gayla’s gumbo. See yesterday’s entry for the information.
Keep praying for Pastor Jim Reed.
Regular schedule on our campus this Sunday morning and evening.
A word of special thanks to James Clark and Scott Fontenot. James came to our house on Monday and greatly improved our internet service. We were downloading at two or three and now we are at twenty. Awesome! James is the man! (Rhett taught him everything he knows!). Scott came at 9:30PM on Wednesday night and drove me to Mobile. Greatly appreciated! Scott, welcome to the world of being a deacon – just saying!
Most of the folks who left GRACE Mountain got home early, early this morning. Some are still in the airports. The second group (Michigan) who were supposed to arrive on GRACE Mountain remain at home. They should be able to fly tomorrow and Sunday. Both groups have had amazing attitudes through it all.
I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.
P.S. – Lisa and I went to WH last night for supper. Got hit up by a couple of Pentecostals wanting us to pick up their ticket. Said something like, “gave all of our money in the church offering!” Those Pentecostals!
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