MONDAY, 10/31/11
I begin by saying a huge “thank you” to the Friendship family for the gift for pastor appreciation. Wow, Lisa and I are blown away and are very, very grateful! We love attending the services at the Brooklyn Tabernacle and we also love visiting NYC. I am very undeserving of such kindness! Thank you seems very inadequate but it does come from a grateful heart!
There are no significant changes in the folks we have been praying for in recent days. You can read Pattie’s update on Gage from Friday’s post. Judy told me that Louise’s blood pressure has been up over the weekend (she probably feared they were going to play a tape of me preaching!) Keep praying for these folks and their families.
Amy Huhn’s mother, Gloria Morrison, receives another treatment today. Earl Gunter receives radiation every day this week. Carla Kyser has another treatment on Thursday. Pray for these folks and all others who are battling cancer.
Diane Bryant’s dad, Jim Brannon, is scheduled to have back surgery tomorrow. Pray for him.
Our Hallelujah Festival takes place tonight from 5:00 – 8:00PM. You are asked to pray for this ministry opportunity and, if possible, come help. There is a place for you to serve.
Thank you, thank you, thank you to the men and women who showed up for our work day this past Saturday. We had a great number present and much was accomplished! Thanks to Marisa Felps, Cecil Guidry, and Betty Creech for cooking breakfast – it was great!
I cannot believe that the Rams beat the Saints yesterday – where did that come from? Pastor Terry Rainey & Pastor Eddie Burdette probably missed their respective services yesterday as their beloved Clemson Tigers went down on Saturday night. I just hope that I do not feel their pain this Sunday!
I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.