“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10
Today’s Bible reading – Psalms 35-36; Acts 25
Tuesday, July 25 – Psalms 37-39; Acts 26
Wednesday, July 26 – Psalms 40-42; Acts 27:1-26
Thursday, July 27 – Psalms 43-45; Acts 27:27-44
Friday, July 28 – Psalms 46-48; Acts 28
Saturday, July 29 – Psalms 49-50; Romans 1
Sunday, July 30 – Psalms 51-53; Romans 2
The Lord blessed us with a really good day in our services yesterday – morning and evening. We give Him the praise. Our 2017-18 budget was adopted by the Friendship family. I am very grateful to the members of our Finance Committee for a job well done.
“Send Zach Back” was a success. Thank you to those who gave to support Zach. I appreciate Zach sharing in our service last night.
Kenny Lingle, Sanna Collier and Coach Collier all did a nice job of sharing in our evening service about their experiences while in Guatemala on our last GRACE Ministries trip. Momentum is already building for our June 2018 trip. Sign up begins soon.
Robert Baria has been placed back on the vent. What a roller coaster ride for Robert and his family. He remains in ICU. Keep praying for Robert and family.
Stella Brinkman is doing better. She is now in PCU. Mariam shared with me last night that Stella “could” be moved to a rehab facility today.
Tommy Watson remains in rehab. They will reevaluate this Friday.
Charlie Wainwright is scheduled to have surgery this Wednesday, 7/26.
Esther Beritech is scheduled to have surgery this Friday, 7/28.
As you know, I traveled to Hartselle, Alabama and back on Friday. One of our sweet ladies sent me a message to let me know that she would be praying throughout the day for my safety in travel. Once I was safely home she sent me another message sharing how thankful she was to God for His watch care over me. I am very grateful to God for prayer warriors such as this.
Folks, we are living in the last days! This past Saturday, Charles actually mowed more grass than I did. I spent hours on the weed eater and he was mowing away. By the time I moved to a mower almost everything on the hill had been cut. Jesus is coming soon!
Bobby & the boys have righted the ship and now have won two straight and upped their lead to twelve games. There is some concern over Strasburg’s early departure from yesterday’s game. Equal or more concern in Dodgerville over Kershaw’s early departure.
Lord willing, I leave for Guatemala tomorrow. (Can you say happy about seeing the girls?) I have much to do today including seeing the folks in the hospitals. I also have more weed eating to do. Have to pack.
My tomorrow will be a travel day and then hopefully shopping for supplies in the city. I have a meeting with an architect on Wednesday as we look to enlarge the feeding center and to add another apartment.
Pray for our team as they will leave on Thursday from Mobile, Pensacola, Chicago and Huntsville. This will be a team of forty eight.
I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.