
THURSDAY, 11/1/12

It is 10:30PM in Alabama as I write this entry.  I am doing so early because Lisa and I will leave Spartanburg around 1:00AM driving home.  It is around an eight hour drive and I have to get back in order to be with the Schjott family.  I figure that I am better off doing it now as opposed to trying to do so at 1:00AM when we are trying to get out the door.

I am told that the Hallelujah Festival was a huge success – to God be the glory!  The figures I have received range from 500 children to around 700 participants.  Either way, those are strong numbers.  Thanks to each person who helped in any way.  Thanks to the leadership team for providing excellent leadership.  I am excited to hear how God blessed the evening!

The funeral service for Joe Schjott will take place today at 3:00PM and will be preceded by a two hour visitation with the family.  Thanks to all who are helping with the food for the family.

The final night of the revival services in SC went very well.  The folks at Motlow Creek Baptist are so very kind to Lisa and me.  They remind me of the Friendship family.  Thank you for praying and for allowing us to be away these days.  It was good!

This coming Sunday is my favorite “regular” Sunday of the year as it is time change which means we “fall” back one hour thus allowing folks to get an extra hour of sleep if they so desire.  Do not forget to move your clocks back one hour.

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

WEDNESDAY, 10/31/12

The arrangements for Miss Opal Scull are as follows – visitation with the family from noon until the 2:00PM service time on Friday, November 2, at the Mobile Memorial Funeral Home.  The service will take place in the funeral home’s chapel.  Keep praying for the Scull family.

Pastor Robbie Howard was admitted to the hospital last night as he is battling pneumonia.  I appreciate Shelley letting me know about this so we could be praying.

Danny Rossi from Guatemala sent me an e-mail last night to let me know that Mike Perez has a parasite in his brain.  Surgery is required.  Mike serves as a pastor but also is over the music department at the seminary.  Pray for Pastor Mike.

Tonight is a big night for the Friendship family as we host the annual “Hallelujah Festival” from 6:00 – 8:00PM.  Thanks again to all who have helped already and to those who will help tonight.  Clean up is an area where much help will be needed.  Pray that this will be a great night of ministry.

Remember, there are no services, classes, Bible studies, et cetera today/tonight due to the Hallelujah Festival.  We resume a normal Wednesday schedule next week.

We had a good night in the service at “The Creek” last night.  I would ask that you pray for tonight’s service.  Lisa and I will leave early (most likely around 1:00AM) tonight heading home.  Pray for our safety as we drive home.

I saw where the Lakers lost to the Mavericks in their opening game last night.  I can only assume that the officials cost the Lakers the game as there is no way this team loses this season!  I will be contacting Commissioner Stern.

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

TUESDAY, 10/30/12

I posted the arrangements for Joe Schjott, Katie’s husband/Sam’s brother, yesterday.  Pray for the family.  Pray for Lisa and me as we will leave early on Thursday morning in order to be home for the visitation/service.

The arrangements for Millie’s sister, Opal Scull, have not been posted yet.  I will post them on this blog once I know them.  Pray for Millie and her family.

A huge “thank you” goes to each person who has helped already and to those who are going to help over the next two days with the Hallelujah Festival.  I believe it is going to be a great night of ministry.  I also believe it has already been used to show folks that they can minister through opportunities such as this.  I am praying that we will not have the HF just to give away candy and play games but that we will use this as a means to share the Gospel.  Pray to that end.

Thank you to those who are praying for the services here at Motlow Creek Baptist Church.  One young man prayed to receive Jesus as his personal Savior last night.  The invitation saw many decisions being made.  The weather has turned pretty cool with a very strong wind.  However, the attendance last night was really good especially considering that it was Monday and the temps had dropped considerably.

Pray for the folks on the East Coast who have been affected by Hurricane Sandy.  We know what they are experiencing in dealing with a hurricane.

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |


The visitation with the Schjott family will take place this Thursday, from 1:00PM until the 3:00PM service time.  The visitation and service will take place in our church auditorium.  Continue to pray for Katie and the entire family.

I do not know what we are doing regarding food for the family but you can call the church office for that information.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

MONDAY, 10/29/12 (UPDATED)

Just received word through Miss Kittie Camp that Millie Spiller’s sister, Opal Scull, passed away last night.  The arrangements are incomplete at this time but I ask you to pray for this family.

Also, I have not been able to contact Sam Schjott this morning to get an update on that situation but do ask that you pray for the Schjott family as well.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

MONDAY, 10/29/12

This entry is way late and for that I apologize.  I will not go into the reasons.

I appreciate Bro. Chris and Bro. Kerry taking care of the services yesterday.  Bro. Chris tells me that we had a good day.  As a matter of fact, I have gotten a couple of e-mails echoing that sentiment.  I am told that Dr. Tico did a very nice job of sharing the Word.  I also know that you ministered to him and his family through the love offering.  Thank you!

Bro. Chris and Nicole hosted Dr. Tico & David for lunch yesterday and for that I am thankful.  (Tico said he had never had a Sam’s burger and it was pretty good!)  Bro. Chris has an excellent spirit.  Nicole is a sweetheart!

I also want to thank our daughters for taking care of Dr. Tico & David Saturday and last night.  All four of them did well according to Tico.  (He also gave credit to Soy & Brad but I will leave that part out)

Lisa and I are in South Carolina at the Motlow Creek Baptist Church with Pastor Terry Rainey and “The Creek” family.  Lisa shared with the ladies during the Sunday School hour yesterday and I preached the morning and evening services.  We did not have any public decisions but the people are saying the messages are timely.  Pray for us as we will be here for the next three nights.  Pray for revival!

Daphne tells me that you have responded in a great way with the candy donations – thank you!  You can still bring bags of wrapped candy up until Wednesday night.  The leadership team will be working tonight and tomorrow night and can use others to help.  Thanks to those who have e-mailed to say that they would help on Wednesday night.  I am praying this will be a great HF!

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |


I am very grateful to each person who has helped in any way i.e. candy, work day, et cetera thus far with the Hallelujah Festival.  This is a ministry opportunity and our prayer is that we will impact many lives with the Gospel during that evening.

Here is another request – it would be helpful/beneficial if folks would sign up to help during the actual festival (6:00 – 8:00PM).  A pretty good number of folks have indicated they plan on helping but we need to confirm that all games are properly manned for the entire two hours.

Also, we need folks to volunteer to be in the dunking booth.  This will be a popular “game” and folks will good attitudes are needed to make this fun!

So, if you will help will you please send me an e-mail at pastor@friendshipfamily.net as soon as possible.  I will then pass the word along to the leadership team.  Please send an e-mail even if you have already signed up just so the leadership team can make certain of the ministry schedule.  Thanks!

Pray that God will use this fun evening to change lives!

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

FRIDAY, 10/26/12

Sam Schjott called me late yesterday afternoon to say they had found his brother, Joe, who had been missing since last Saturday.  He had passed from this life.  Joe was in our 10:30AM service with his wife, Katie, just two Sundays ago.  Pray for the Schjott family as they walk through this dark valley.

Alisha Vice has written a nice blog entry at www.alishavice.com.  We need to remember to pray for her and the ministry God has given her.

Dale & Karla will be in Texas tonight and tomorrow night.  Pray that these two nights of ministry will go well and be blessed by God.

Lisa and I arrived safely into Flint, MI yesterday just before noon.  We then rented a car and headed to Holland.  Lisa “had” to visit downtown Holland as they have the best shops one has ever seen!  Actually, we had to purchase some Tim Horton’s coffee (they tell me it is good stuff).  I can blame Mark Mast for that particular addiction in Lisa’s life!

The pig roast was outstanding!  Over 200 folks gathered for some great food, great fellowship, and even greater inspiration.  What a joy to have Louise Mason fly up from Arkansas (said she uses her broom a lot this time of the year or something like that!)  John & Laurie King shared some pictures and testimonies of how God has used GRACE Ministries to impact Guatemala.  Good stuff!  What a blessing to see so many friends from days gone by and to meet many new folks as well.  GRACE Ministries is blessed to have the support of so many friends from Michigan.  It almost makes me want to take back every bad thing I have ever said about Yankees!  LOL!

My only sister, Melissa, celebrates another birthday today.  Happy birthday to her!  How old?  I cannot say but I way say that next year she starts holding at 39!  My younger brother, Freddie, celebrates his birthday tomorrow so an early happy birthday to him too!  He will be 48.  Did I mention that Freddie is ten years older than Melissa?

We are about to go meet with some folks for breakfast and then we drive back to Flint to begin our journey home.  I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

THURSDAY, 10/25/12

Katelyn Jackson did well through her surgery.  It was an outpatient procedure and she came home yesterday.  The folks in our 8:00PM Bible study said she was posting on FB yesterday afternoon so she must be well.

The doctor was neither positive or negative regarding Betty  Carol’s surgery.  They did amputate her small toe but the doctor had hoped for more blood flow.  He said it would be two or three weeks before it would be known if her wound will heal.

Marisa Felps stopped by yesterday to tell me that Carla’s next procedure will take place on Thursday, 11/1.  Carla had a rough day yesterday as she was in pain.  Pray for her over these next eight days.

We had a good day in our services yesterday morning/last night.  I appreciate the faithfulness of our people.

I am certain that we will have enough folks to help with the Hallelujah Festival.  However, it would be totally awesome if folks would sign up as this would help Lindsey & Daphne make definitive plans.  Did you know that men and women are wired differently?  Remember, it would be great if all bags of wrapped candy could be brought to the church by this Sunday, 10/28.  There is a box in the foyer of the auditorium as well as one in the fellowship hall.  Thank you so much to each person who has donated already and to those who are going to donate.

Lisa and I are sitting in the Pensacola airport bound for Holland, MI via Atlanta and Flint, Michigan.  The annual GRACE Ministries pig roast will take place tonight.  We anticipate a couple of hundred folks joining us for this event.  Lord willing, we fly home tomorrow.

Danny Lewis is “predicting” a MSU win this Saturday night in BDS.  No comment!

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

WEDNESDAY, 10/24/12

Katelyn Jackson will be having surgery this morning.  Bro. Kerry & Bro. Jerry will tag team on that one.  Pray that all goes well.

Betty Carol Neal will be having surgery around noon today.  I will go immediately after the morning service to attend that surgery.  Pray that it goes well too.

Visited with Leslie and the baby yesterday morning.  Both are doing fine.  I am thinking they will come home tomorrow but that is mere speculation on my part.

Sam Schjott’s brother has been missing since Saturday night.  Sam asked us to pray.

We are on a regular schedule today/tonight.  I hope to see many members of the Friendship family in attendance.  Lasagna is on the menu for the 8:00PM Bible study.

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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