THURSDAY, 11/1/12
It is 10:30PM in Alabama as I write this entry. I am doing so early because Lisa and I will leave Spartanburg around 1:00AM driving home. It is around an eight hour drive and I have to get back in order to be with the Schjott family. I figure that I am better off doing it now as opposed to trying to do so at 1:00AM when we are trying to get out the door.
I am told that the Hallelujah Festival was a huge success – to God be the glory! The figures I have received range from 500 children to around 700 participants. Either way, those are strong numbers. Thanks to each person who helped in any way. Thanks to the leadership team for providing excellent leadership. I am excited to hear how God blessed the evening!
The funeral service for Joe Schjott will take place today at 3:00PM and will be preceded by a two hour visitation with the family. Thanks to all who are helping with the food for the family.
The final night of the revival services in SC went very well. The folks at Motlow Creek Baptist are so very kind to Lisa and me. They remind me of the Friendship family. Thank you for praying and for allowing us to be away these days. It was good!
This coming Sunday is my favorite “regular” Sunday of the year as it is time change which means we “fall” back one hour thus allowing folks to get an extra hour of sleep if they so desire. Do not forget to move your clocks back one hour.
I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.