

As you know, I normally don’t post on the weekends but this is a very special day for the Turrentine and Hutto families as Daphne & Brad become one in marriage today.  It will be a busy day doing last minute stuff in preparation for the beginning of the ceremony. 

Lisa and I have done as so many other parents have in the past as we have prayed for our future sons-in-law.  We are grateful that Brad is a born again believer, that he was brought up in the church, and that he comes from a really fine family.  We thank Gary & Teresa Hutto for doing a great job in raising a fine son!  God has been faithful in answering our prayer regarding this son-in-law. 

Lisa and I are also very thankful that God has allowed us to have Daphne for a daughter.  We are thankful that she is a born again believer.  She has her flaws as we all do but she has been a blessing to her parents and we are proud of all God has done in her life up to this point. 

Someone asked yesterday if I would be glad when tonight is over and I said not really.  My hope is that we will enjoy the day as we celebrate God’s goodness to us in placing Brad & Daphne together for the rest of their lives. 

Pray for us and come join us tonight at half past five! 

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I ask that you pray for the Barnes family today as the funeral service for Neal is at 10:00AM.  Lisa and I went to the funeral home last night and our hearts were hurting for Bro. Burney & Miss Jeannine.  Pray for Pastor Greg Pouncey as he preaches and Pastor Benny Still as he ministers in song during that service. 

The passport agency is telling Carl Ray that his passport was mailed priority mail yesterday and he should receive it by Tuesday, July 3.  The only fly in that ointment is that he is scheduled to leave for Guatemala on 7/3 at 6:00AM.  Would you join me in praying that it would be here by tomorrow?  God is able! 

Michelle Rolls sent me an e-mail late last night saying that her passport was missing!  She had searched high and low to no avail.  As she was going to bed early this morning, she asked God to reveal to her if she was supposed to be on the mission trip next week.  He did as it dawned on her where to look and there it was!  God is good! 

It is wedding week day #6.  Yesterday was a productive day.  My Yankee friends showed up and I immediately put them to work!  They worked hard and got a lot accomplished – not as much as Southern boys would have but at least they got something done!  Again, we had several folks helping and many other offers to help for which we are very, very grateful! 

Today, my family including two aunts, a first cousin, and two second cousins from Michigan, my brother from China, my parents, my other brother, and my sister from upper Alabama, Deidra’s future husband from Tennessee (why am I allowing her to marry a guy from TN?), and others will be arriving.  I am cooking for Daphne’s bridal luncheon as promised a long time ago. 

There is now a tent in the CAB!  Don’t ask questions but rather just show up tomorrow night at half past five and experience it!  Pray for us as we are only hours away from wedding day #1! 

I pray that you will have a great day with Jesus!

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I ask that you continue to pray for the Barnes family as they go through the visitation tonight and funeral service tomorrow morning. 

It was reported in prayer meeting last night that Miss Lucine Bryant, Jo French, and Juanita McRoy all may be going home from the hospital today or tomorrow.  Linda Jackson’s daughter, Brenda Perkins, had surgery yesterday and did well.  Martha Patrick’s brother, James Swann, is back in the hospital with double pneumonia.  Please pray for all of these folks and their needs. 

Wow, the Lord blessed and we had a good time in both our senior high and junior high Bible studies last night.  There was an added excitement in the air and the services went very well.  Thanks to the students for being there and to the adults who helped in any way.  Pray for our students!  Remember, there is a swimming fellowship this Sunday, 7/1, immediately following the evening service.  It will take place at ski boy’s house. 

I ask that you pray for the evening (7/8) with Kirk Talley, make plans to be present, and invite others to join you.  That should be a special evening of praise and worship! 

Carl Ray Moulds has yet to receive his passport although he has been promised it is in the mail.  Lindsay Haynes is in the same situation.  Please pray!

It is wedding week day #5.  Things are progressing nicely and many of you have been so very kind to help.  This has served as a good personal motivation to finish the renovation work in the fellowship hall and several of you have helped make that become a reality.  Thank you!  The Yankees arrive today and I plan on putting them to work!  My family members will begin to trickle in too so the time is drawing near. 

I pray that you will have a blessed day!  Happy 23rd birthday Kyle Bryant!  A belated (by one day) happy 75th birthday to Larry Whitehurst!

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The arrangements for Neal Barnes are as follows:  visitation Thursday, 6/28, from 5:00PM until 8:00PM; funeral Friday, 6/29, at 10:00AM.  Both of these events will take place at Serenity Funeral Home in Theodore.  I hope a good number of the Friendship family will be able to attend either the visitation or service to support Burney & Jeannine. 

I had the opportunity to see Miss Lucine Bryant yesterday and she is making improvement.  She will probably be in the hospital for another couple of days or so.  I did not get any further update on Jo French or Juanita McRoy.  Carl Ray Moulds came by to ask us to pray for a friend from Leroy, AL who was injured in an accident and has since suffered a staph infection.  This teen’s last name is Alday but I don’t remember his first name.  What a neat story of how God put Carl into the Alday family’s lives.

By the way, Carl Ray is scheduled to go with us next week on our GRACE trip.  He applied to renew his passport in March and still doesn’t have his new one in hand.  He has made many calls to the passport agency and it is always going to arrive tomorrow.  We are running out of tomorrows.  Please join us in praying. 

My advice would be that folks who think they might travel out of the USA at any point within the next year or two go ahead and apply for their passport.  If you are close to your sixteenth birthday then I would wait until after that date as it doubles the time the passport is valid.  Otherwise, I would apply yesterday!

I received word yesterday that a lifelong friend of our family, Fay Edwards, passed away.  Fay, along with her husband, Ray, live in Rockyford (only Sonny Bates understands) about 1/2 mile or so from my parents.  They were actively involved in my home church, Shady Grove Baptist, and had a positive influence in my life.  That funeral service will take place this afternoon so please pray for Ray and their daughters, Mary & Martha, along with their families. 

I had the chance to spend about thirty minutes with Bro. Jerry yesterday afternoon listening to his report about their trip.  He posted two blog entries yesterday too.  They had a blessed trip and we are thankful for their safe return.  Pray for Pastor Keith Martin and the folks from El Bethel Baptist and Dalraida Baptist as they are presently in Guatemala doing ministry. 

Today is a normal Wednesday which means prayer meeting at 10:00AM, senior high Bible study at 6:00PM, prayer meeting, junior high Bible study, and mission organizations at 7:00PM, and college/young professionals Bible study at 8:00PM. 

It is wedding week day #4.  It is our last day before the Yankees begin infiltrating our ranks as the Queen and her entourage arrive tomorrow.  All of my family members, including Spencer Cole, are supposed to be here this weekend.  Pancho, Rita, and the girls will be here too.  Cindy Simmons will be a soloist in the wedding and Bro. Johnny Tucker will help with the ceremony.  It should be fun!     

I saw Whitney Bryant yesterday afternoon.  The test results are conclusive – she is a blonde trapped in a redhead’s body!  Don’t believe me?  Stay around her for about thirty minutes and you will figure it out! 

Our student ministry will have a pool party fellowship this Sunday evening immediately following the worship service.  FYI – I am preaching in the 8:00AM service and Bro. Johnny will preach in the 10:30AM service. 

I pray that you will have a great day with Jesus!

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We were called earlier today and told that Neal Barnes passed from this life and entered heaven around 2:00AM this morning.  The arrangements are incomplete at this time but we will post them as soon as they are finalized.  Please pray for his family.

Also, Jordan Cole was involved in a serious motor vehicle accident yesterday afternoon as the large truck he was driving flipped two times.  He, and his two passengers, were spared serious injury – praise the Lord! 

I forgot to update you on Whitney Bryant this morning.  The doctor told her to go on the mission trip to Guatemala and he would study all of her records.  After she returns from Guatemala, he will confer with the family as to what treatment, if any, will be the course of action.  So, keep praying. 

Written by Teddie in: Daily |


Good morning!  This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it!  Our GRACE ’07 II team arrived home later than scheduled last night but they did arrive.  They had a blessed week of ministry and we are grateful they arrived home safely. 

The funeral service for Chris Leasure was a blessing.  I was so blessed as Jeanette Bates, coming off a total hip replacement only eleven days earlier, was present to play the piano for that service.  Wow – it must be the Tab!  Thank you Jeanette for playing and Deanna Wetterer for being the soloist! 

We had a productive time of meeting with our student ministry leaders last night.  I appreciate Kayla Brown, Jacqueline Crawley, Megan DeGeer, Jamie Hall, Jessica Hall, Katelyn Jackson, Johnny Ladnier, John Vickers, and Brianne Woods joining Coach Nate Blaylock, Dale Bosarge, Chris Taylor, and Josh Woods in a round table discussion relating to how we can allow God to move our student ministry to a higher level.  I have appointed Chris Taylor as the activities director for our student ministry and that will prove to be a beneficial thing. 

Miss Lucine Bryant did well in her surgery yesterday.  They removed a cyst from behind her knee which was putting pressure on a stress fracture from an earlier fall.  Prayerfully, she will be good to go now.  Sambo Bowden is much improved and will go home today.  Jo French is improving but the doctors don’t have the blood thinner level exactly where they want it just yet.  Juanita McRoy remains at Providence.  (I have been incorrecting listing her as McElroy which explains why I can’t find her in the hospital!) 

I was called to the home of Neal Barnes yesterday afternoon as they expected his death to be imminent.  He is low but, as far as I know, lived through the night.  Pray for Neal, his wife, Angie, their adult children and their families, and for Burney & Jeannine. 

We are going to have a staff/deacon’s meeting this Sunday at 4:00PM involving all eleven deacons – the current active body and the three newly elected men.

All of our Southern Gospel fans need to be busy inviting folks to be present for the Kirk Talley concert on Sunday evening, July 8, beginning at 6:00PM. 

It is wedding week, day #3.  Already, we have had so many folks involved in helping us and we are grateful!  I am very hesitant to list names as I am so afraid of leaving someone out.  However, please know that Lisa and I are very grateful to each person who has helped, is helping, or will help as we get ready for the wedding.  We are blessed with a wonderful church family and great friends!

I riled the Queen with yesterday’s entry as evidenced by her commenting on it!  I simply report the facts!

Dr. Jill and Biker Brandon are laying low – guys you can hide from the Pastor but God sees!  Put ’em back in Mountain Brook and it completely changes who they are! 

This is going to be a great day – let us rejoice and be glad in it! 


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Praise the Lord!  We had a very blessed day yesterday in our services.  What a joy to see Ashley Crawley and Robbie Rolls make public professions of faith in our second morning service.  Our attendance was a bit down in the morning but we had a very strong attendance in our evening service – maybe we should meet in the CAB every Sunday night.  It was a blessing to see/hear Kayla Brown, Katelyn Jackson, Johnny Ladnier, and Brianne Woods stand up as leaders within our student ministry.  I look forward to all that God is going to do through our students in the days ahead.  Coach Nate and John Vickers did a nice job of leading our worship last night too – thanks guys!

Speaking of our student ministry, we are going to have a student ministry leadership meeting tonight, 6/25, beginning at 7:30PM in the student ministry building.  Any interested student, freshman through senior ’08, is invited to attend. 

The visitation with the Leasure family went well and I ask that you pray for the funeral service today at 11:00AM.  Thank you to those who ministered yesterday and to those who will help with the meal today.  A special thanks to Jeanette Bates, who had hip replacement surgery eleven days ago, for serving as the pianist; to Deanna Wetterer for being the soloist; to Raymond Wilkinson for running the sound system.  We are blessed with wonderful folks! 

Sambo Bowden continues to have a lot of pain relating to his back surgery and suffered through some muscle spasms yesterday.  Miss Jo French and Juanita McElroy remain hospitalized too.  They may allow Jo to sit up today but that isn’t guaranteed.  Miss Lucine Bryant is having surgery today and they may have to replace her knee.  Whitney Bryant meets with the oncologist today to discuss treatement options.  Neal Barnes is seemingly in his last days according to his parents.  So, please pray for these folks and their families. 

Bro. Jerry and team are scheduled to leave Guatemala at 1:25PM (our time) today and arrive in Mobile tonight.  Pray for their safety in travel.  Clint Landry’s team finally got to Peru at 7:00AM yesterday morning. 

It’s wedding week!!!  Phil Sims and Judi Miller are getting married Friday night at 7:00PM at 1st Baptist GB and you are cordially invited to attend.  However, when I say that it is wedding week then I mean it is wedding #1 for the Turrentine household as Daphne & Brad are counting down the hours!  Lisa has the whip cracking – I now know how Ross Genzink felt the first week of May as they prepared for Jenna & Jeremy’s wedding! 

So many of you have been so very kind to offer to help us this week and that is very much appreciated by Lisa and me.  It is going to be a busy and exciting week.  I have made one minor change – I am going to preach in the 8:00AM service this Sunday and Bro. Johnny Tucker will preach in the 10:30AM service.  By the way, all members of the Friendship family are invited to attend these ceremonies per the invitations yesterday. 

I try to listen well and I heard through the grapevine that my cousin in Michigan, Kathy Gettig, is celebrating a birthday today.  She is either 73 or 37 – I don’t remember which one!  Happy birthday Kathy! 

Dr. Jill and Biker Brandon are in my doghouse as I heard they were in town last night and didn’t attend the service!  What’s up with that? 

I hope you have a great day in the Lord!  Tell someone about Jesus! 


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Today is going to be a different Lord’s Day for us at Friendship.  First, we will be missing two staff members and several others from our church family as they will be attending the service at Rios de Agua Viva in Guatemala.  Second, we will be having our evening service in the CAB as the funeral visitation for Miss Chris Leasure takes place in the auditorium. 

So, please note that the visitation for Miss Chris is from 5:00 – 8:00PM today and the service will take place at 11:00AM tomorrow.  All of this takes place from our auditorium with burial in Serenity Gardens.  We will have our evening service at 6:00PM but will not have Discipleship Training today. 

Kerry Woods will be our worship leader this morning and I so appreciate his willingness to serve whenever and however.  He has been more than gracious to lead and adapts to the changes such as moving the evening service without missing a beat.  Thanks Kerry!

I want to say a personal word of appreciation to Dr. Mike Clark along with Jack & Carolyn Ciak from Casa Aleluya for allowing Sue Forsyth to spend time yesterday and today with the girl she sponsors.  It is a long story but suffice it to say that they made it happen when it didn’t appear it was going to.  Dr. Mike and folks at Casa have always been so very kind to GRACE Ministries and I am grateful.

Clint Landry is leading a group from his church, 1st Wetumpka, on a mission trip to Peru.  They left yesterday and Pam Landry (traitor) joined them on this trip.  Long story but they got very delayed in Miami.  They should have been in Lima, Peru by 9:30PM but didn’t leave Miami until probably midnight.  I am assuming they arrived in Lima around 4:00AM this morning.  Pray for their trip!

Breaking news – Kirk Talley is going to be ministering in song at Friendship on Sunday evening, July 8.  This just came together over the past couple of days.  I appreciate Robbie Myrick for thinking of us and helping make it happen.  Please pass the word! 

I pray the each person reading this entry will be in church today.  Folks reading this from afar must wonder how we are all going to fit in a CAB tonight?  We serve an amazing God!

Written by Teddie in: Daily |


After several hours of prayer, consideration, and meditation, I feel led to go ahead with a worship service tomorrow.  We will meet in the CAB at 6:00PM.  Ten years ago we met in the CAB exclusively for four consecutive months and we saw God do some great things among us.  So, it will work.  I hope you will be there. 

We will not have Discipleship Training.  Folks wishing to visit with the Leasure family may do so prior to the service or afterwards as we will be dismissed around 7:00PM. 

Please pass this word to all others from the Friendship family you come in contact with – especially those who may not have access to a computer.  Thanks! 

FYI – Bro. Jerry posted again this morning. 

Written by Teddie in: Daily |


The arrangements for Miss Christine Leasure are as follows:  the visitation will take place this Sunday, 6/24, from 5:00PM until 8:00PM in the church auditorium.  The service will take place on Monday morning at 11:00AM from the church auditorium with burial in Serenity Gardens. 

I will post later as to what we do regarding services for Sunday night.

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