

Normally, I post an entry early in the morning and don’t add to it unless there is an urgent need for prayer.  However, this week it will probably be “hit and miss” with possbile multiple daily entries as I get my info from Lisa, the office, et cetera. 

The team made it to Guatemala last night.  Those are all of the details I know at this point as Derrick wrote to say they were at the mission house and headed to bed.  I checked the GRACE blog and the MRBC blog earlier this morning but no entries yet.  They sometimes have problems with the internet service or they could have slept in after a long day.  Regardless, keep praying for those folks as they minister in Guatemala. 

We got in from worship around 11:30PM or so.  A number of decisions were made during the invitation but none in our group as far as I know.  Seemingly, it takes this group a little while to warm up or at least that was the case last year.  Pray that God would work in all of our lives during these days. 

Jeanette Bates is at home and doing her rehab there.  Whitney is still in the hospital but could come home today.  I don’t have an update on Miss Christine.  Kelli Stork is still having severe headaches.  Pray for these folks.

It was a real blessing to see Ronnie Owens in the second service this past Sunday.  He is an inspiration to all of us. 

I pray that you will have a great day with Jesus. 

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

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