FRIDAY, 5/30/08
Memorial Day is an important day in the life of our country as we remember those who have given their lives in order for us to enjoy the freedoms we do today. I realize that Memorial Day was celebrated this past Monday but May 30th is the original date for this time of remembrance. So, today, and very day, we should remember the price that has been paid for our freedom. “Some gave. Some gave all!” Thank you to our fallen soldiers!
Greg Boutwell said good-bye to Ingalls yesterday as he retired after forty-three years on the job! Greg is still a young man (although having Kim as a daughter certainly ages you quickly) and I congratulate him on this milestone in his life. He and Rita leave for Alaska in the morning! By the way, today is Rita’s birthday. Happy birthday Rita!
Dale & Karla Bosarge and Davy Bosarge were supposed to leave for Illinois and their first Wild Week camp today but that departure has been delayed until Sunday. Pray for them as they will spend the next five or six weeks on the road doing these Wild Week camps with Evangelist Ken Freeman.
Our summer missionary now has a blog. It is a great way to keep up with all that is happening in her life this summer. Call the church office if you would like the web address. I need to remind those who send her e-mails to be very careful in what words and/or phrases you use in your correspondence. There is the very real possibility that her messages could be checked and she could face problems based on what is written. So, just write in general terms. She will be glad just to hear from you. Thanks for understanding!
Chris Taylor has allowed me a sneak preview of the new website he is creating for the Friendship family. He still has some work to do but it is really looking good! It is possible it will be ready in time to upload pictures from our VBS. Once it goes online, you will simply type the same address ( and it will take you to the new site. I really appreciate what Chris is doing to keep us up to date!
Speaking of VBS, pray as we begin that journey on Monday morning. It should be awesome!
The wedding ceremony of Ian McClinton & Brittney Fillingim will take place tomorrow night, 5/31, at the Pathway Ministries Church on Moffett Road beginning at 6:00PM. You are invited to attend! Wow, what a large wedding party! It should be nice!
I haven’t heard a definite but I am assuming that Evangelist Johnny Tucker arrived home safely. They had a good month of ministry in the Philippines.
There have been no major changes in those hospitalized so just keep praying.
Carl Camp and Joyce Mast (MI) are celebrating birthdays today. Carl is Miss Kittie’s youngest child and Miss Joyce is the mother of Jill Ellens, Shari Compagner, Kurt Mast, Kathy Genzink and I think about fifteen others! Happy birthday Carl & Miss Joyce! Kristen Mulder (MI) will celebrate her 20th birthday on Sunday, 6/1. Happy birthday Kristen!
I pray that each person reading this entry will be in church somewhere this Sunday. Pray for your pastor as he prepares to preach the Word this Sunday. Realize the important role you play in the body of Christ. Be faithful! Your church needs you!
I pray that you will have a great weekend with Jesus!