TUESDAY, 4/30/13
Visited with Rob Nevin’s mother in the hospital yesterday. She was still in MICU and was sleeping soundly so I did not get to speak to her. However, I did verbalize a prayer for her.
Danny Cole and Julie McGath’s dad had a heart cath done late yesterday afternoon and the doctors placed a stent (s?) in his heart. His situation was more challenging than normal so it took a bit longer to get everything completed.
Heard from Sanna regarding Chastity. She will begin her second round of chemo this week and it be an eight week ordeal every other week. This is a different chemo from that she has already received.
Courtney Hubbard’s white blood cell count is low so she is having to guard against germs and infections. I am not sure if she will go to M.D. Anderson this week or not.
I received several comments from folks about this past Sunday’s messages and I appreciate the encouragement. Two folks sent e-mails yesterday expressing their thoughts on the messages. One encouraged me to keep preaching the Word while the other shared what was happening in their life and how God used Sunday’s messages to encourage them to keep the faith. I am thankful for the Word of God!
I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.