The graveside service for Ms Betty Hill was well done by Pastor David Jones. The Lord provided a beautiful day as the sun was shining and the temperature was perfect. I know that Arlene Meredith & Miss Vinnie Brewer are coordinating a meal for Jodie and her family tomorrow – thanks to those ladies and all who will help with this meal.
Pastor David told me that his (Nadine’s too) father did well in surgery on Wednesday. I spoke to Donnie & Marisa yesterday morning and Carla is getting better but now is the time for another treatment – she and Shea Childress both have another treatment next Tuesday. Miss Joyce Bosarge is getting a break from her treatment so she is feeling better. Tyrone Crawley told me yesterday that his dad is continually getting weaker. Pray for all of these folks.
I was surprised yesterday morning when I read that James Willis left the Auburn University coaching staff to take basically the same position on the University of Alabama coaching staff. Here is a guy who played for Auburn and has coached at Auburn for years and now he has left to go to Alabama – wow! (I know some may mention Bro. Oliver but it isn’t the same setting) In my opinion, it is a picture of our society (and church) today – no appreciation for what you have “done” for me but a focus on “me” and what can you do for “me” today. Words like gratefulness, loyalty, and commitment have become words of the past. Enough of the soapbox . . . . “hold the rope!”
Speaking of surprises, we are going to host a “Welcome to Friendship” fellowship/housewarming for Rita Arriola and the girls this Sunday evening, 1/25, immediately following our evening service. They still need a lot of stuff to furnish their house so I would suggest cash, gift cards to Wal Mart, Lowes, Home Depot, et cetera or you can bring a gift i.e. towels, mixer, blender, sofa, et cetera. We will have this fellowship in the fellowship hall (creative, isn’t it?) immediately following the service. Sherry, we need some light refreshments for this fellowship. Not every member of the Friendship family reads this blog (I can’t imagine why) so please spread the word! Remember, it is a surprise! (if our out of town readers such as Pastor Travis, Ross Genzink, Brett Hart, T. Garrett, Clint Landry, whomever want to send a gift, make it cash and send it to me!)
My plans are to ask the Friendship family to extend the official call to become (continue to be) our Minister to Students to Chris Taylor this Sunday evening. We will announce this as the reason for the fellowship.
The folks from Moline CRC should have gotten home from Guatemala last night. They had a good week of ministry. The folks from Friendship CRC in Byron Center, MI should be on a plane this morning headed to Guatemala. Pray for them as they travel and begin a week of ministry.
Lisa has four tickets to tomorrow’s Senior Bowl. If you are interested in using these tickets just give her a call at 865-4517. If you have State Farm Insurance with her they are free – if you have (gasp!) insurance with some other company – they are free! The seats are in Section U, Row 31.
Pray for our Upward ministry tomorrow. I hope to see you in our services this Sunday!
I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus!