
TUESDAY, 1/27/09

One of Kayla Huffstutler’s grandmothers, Ms Betty Loyed, passed away on Sunday night.  She lived in Moody, Alabama.  It is my understanding that everything i.e. visitation & service will take place tomorrow afternoon/evening with the burial taking place Thursday morning.  Pray for Kayla and her family during this time. 

Nothing different regarding our folks who have been hospitalized.  Carla Felps & Shea Childress receive treatments today and Tina Sprinkle is scheduled for surgery tomorrow.  As far as I know, everyone else for whom we have been praying remains basically the same.

Congratulations to our 5th & 6th grade RA basketball team.  They played in the league championship game last night and won!  They received the first place trophy!  Glen Cooper & Derek Brown served as their coaches and I appreciate those guys leading this ministry. 

Mark Mast, no apology?  T. Garrett, I try to be a law abiding citizen and haven’t gotten a citation in years! 

Rex Looney is leading the worship during the revival services at Danville Baptist Church this week.  I am getting regular updates from those services and the Lord is really blessing – basically in spite of Rex & Jack Bailey!  Pray for their services tonight and tomorrow night. 

I wasn’t surprised that Mark Gottfried “resigned” as Bama’s basketball coach but I am still concerned about how sports driven our society has become.  Win, win now, win every game or else seems to be the mentality.  The coach across town is always better! 

Speaking of sports, pray for Andy Pettitte.  He signed another contract with the NY Yankees but was cut from $16 million to around $5 million for one year.  We may take an offering for him as he is a good guy!

Hope you have a great Tuesday with Jesus.  Faith Academy is calling my name!   

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

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