SUNDAY, 5/31/15
Today’s Bible reading – 2 Samuel 17:1-29 John 19:23-42 Psalm 119:129-152 Proverbs 16:12-13
Bill Teasley’s situation has gotten urgently serious and needs our immediate prayers. If I understand correctly, he received seven hours of chemotherapy yesterday, will receive eleven hours today and then will receive twenty four hours tomorrow. He and his family need our prayers in a big way so please pray!
We are on a regular schedule this morning and evening. Our 10:30AM service will see us commission Zach Huhn as he leaves tomorrow heading to San Francisco where he will live for the next two months. Zach will be going with NAMB and the Mississippi Baptist State Convention to help plant a new church in San Francisco.
Today is appreciation day for our Associate Pastor/Minister of Education, Bro. Jerry Hovel as this month marks his fifteenthth year on our staff. A love offering will be received in all three services. Members of the Friendship family are encouraged to send him a card/note of appreciation during this coming week.
There is a VBS workers’ meeting tonight immediately following the evening service. Meeting will take place in the auditorium.
Chris & Will got a nice start on the building of the new playground. They basically worked all day yesterday and I appreciate their efforts thus far.
I was wrong on the name of the road in Lucedale – it is Fig Road and not “pig” road! (Just proves what can happen when you listen to Bobby Stork!)
How did the “mud pie makers” do? All I heard is that “we finished!” Ok, what does that mean?
Picked the first picking of peas late yesterday afternoon. Mind you, it was not a bushel or anything like that but it is a start. My sweet mother-in-law has now canned ninety eight quarts of snap beans. Okra has begun bearing. Looks like much of the garden will be played out before I leave for Guatemala in June which is the way I like for it to happen. God is good!
I pray that you will have a great Sunday with Jesus.