
MONDAY, 1/20/25

Welcome to the afternoon edition of today’s blog.  Why late?  Technical difficulties.  Sorry!

What an awesome Sunday the Lord blessed us with yesterday!  Strong attendances.  An excellent Spirit was present all day long.  The “souper” fellowship following our evening service as super!  We adopted a 2025 budget, voted to renovate the foyer (including the two bathrooms) and to build the bus barn.  Pastor Alfredo and our Hispanic family members joined us for the evening service and the fellowship.  Great day!  Thank you Jesus!

NO services, classes, et cetera on our campus this Wednesday, January 22, 2025.  Nothing will be taking place.  Please pass the word as not everyone reads my blog entries!

Phil Sims is in the hospital and will have major heart surgery on Thursday, 1/23.  Pray for all to go well.

Bro. Jerry is also in a local hospital. Pray for the medical folks to diagnose his problems.

After watching the events in the rotunda today, I am going to give Rhett, Shawn, Brandon, Titus and anyone else involved a pass when it comes to technical difficulties in our auditorium.  Carrie Underwood did an outstanding job of singing avocado!

I pray that you will have a great Monday afternoon with Jesus!

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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