
FRIDAY, 1/17/25

Good morning on this a “bit cool” Friday morning.  “If” the weather folks are correct, today will be like a heat wave compared to what is heading our way from Siberia early next week.  No wonder Sgt. Hans Georg Schultz always dreaded the possibility of being assigned to Siberia!  Smart guy!

I have been following the weather forecast (obviously) and I love it when they say it “may” snow next Tuesday but they will know more after two or three more days pass by.  Hello!  I will know by next Thursday!  LOL!

So, I have prayed and thought about it and have reached this decision.  We are going to move all of our Wednesday night services/classes set for 1/22 to this Sunday night, 1/19, beginning at 5:00PM.  I will teach/preach from the book of Titus.  Then, we will move to the CAB for a time of food and fellowship.  The food will be soup and/or chili plus dessert.  Here is what we need you to bring:  yourself, your family, guests and enough of your favorite soup/chili and dessert to feed those coming with you plus two others.

Then, our campus will be empty on Wednesday, 1/22, with no services, classes, et cetera.  Pass the word as (this may surprise you!) not everyone reads my blog entries.  Deidra and Daphne, help me here!  By the way, stock up on bread and milk on Monday.  Why?  Because that is what you do when an impending snow/sleet storm is coming!  Hello!

Our Finance Committee will present the proposed 2025 budget in a meeting scheduled to begin at 4:00PM this Sunday, 1/19.  Yes, it will be a time to ask questions and to have discussion.  My prayer is that it will be more of a time of adoration to God for His financial blessings on the Friendship family.  God has been good to us!  I also pray that it will be a time of affirmation for our Finance Committee as they, in my opinion, have done an excellent job of leading us financially.  Thank you, brothers!  May it also be a time for each of us to examine our giving to the Lord through the church.  Are we being faithful individually?  I am very thankful to God and to each person who gives to Him through the church.

Lisa and I went to eat “supper” at Waffle House last night.  (If it is good enough for Sonny & Jeanette then it good enough for us!). Remember the Pentecostals from last Thursday night?  Lisa and I settle into our booth last night and in walks another Pentecostal.  “Oh, how are you guys doing?  Just stopped by to get some food for my family and me.  Yes, I heard about you seeing some of our church family members in here last week.  That was so nice of you to buy their meal!”  I will let you finish the story!  We have to stop going to the local WH!

Got to speak with Bro. Abel yesterday about their trip.  He did finish the marathon ahead of Pam Baker.  However, Pam rode three rides and ate three turkey legs while Bro. Abel could only do two of each.

Basketball tonight and tomorrow in our CAB.  Early soccer registration takes place this weekend too.  Pray for our sports ministry.  I am thankful for Bro. Abel and all who help in this ministry.  Even if you do not want to watch basketball or sign up for soccer, come support our student ministry by buying a combo meal from the concession stand.  Five dollars will get you a burger, fries and soft drink.  You will not beat that price!

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.  Friendship family, remember the soup/chili/dessert fellowship this Sunday night, 1/19, following the evening service.  (Bro. Jerry Whitmore – this is not a “souper soup fellowship!”  Just saying.  LOL!)


Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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