

The Lord blessed and we arrived home safely around 6:15PM last night.  As John Denver sang many years ago, “hey it’s good to be back home again” even though we had a great time with our many friends in Michigan.  Again, thanks to each person in Michigan who helped make our few days so very enjoyable!  It was great!

Today is a different day at Friendship (the same is true for many churches) as we will not have any services/classes/Bible studies but will focus instead on hosting the Hallelujah Festival from 5:00PM until 8:00PM.  I know some folks have been busy decorating the CAB for the past two days and getting ready for this ministry opportunity.  I invite the members of the Friendship family to join us for this important evening of ministry. 

Also, our next GRACE meal takes place this Sunday, 11/4.  You are invited to join us for this meal which is a financial help to our high school students participating in the GRACE trips next summer. 

I hope you have a great Wednesday with Jesus. 

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

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