
SUNDAY, 3/12/23

I sure hope that you have remembered that today is time change Sunday!  You should “spring forward” meaning you lost an hour during the night!  (Members of Congress and Mr. President, fix this!)

Myrtle Bowden is struggling right now.  Pray fervently for her, please.

Liz Whalen sent me a message yesterday.  She got a “best case scenario” from the doctor.  No chemo needed.  She and John are praising the Lord and are very thankful to everyone for the prayers.  Amen!

A huge “thank you” to John Milton Ladnier for using his tractor and planter yesterday to get most of our (Blake, Blaine & me) in the ground.  Hiring Blake & Blaine was about like losing four good men but at least they were here!  Again, thank you to John Milton for his continued kindnesses to me!

Also, a huge “thank you” to Gary Denbleyker for servicing my mower which I am not supposed to be driving – right!  The past two days have seen a bunch of grass mowed and weeds eaten!  I am blessed with really great neighbors!

The question I have been getting lately is, “how did your sleep study go?”  Got the results this past week which shows I have “mild” sleep apnea which means I am doing nothing regarding it.  Lisa and Daphne agree with me.  Deidra has sent me like a million links as to why I need a machine.  She needs to remember that she is not my mama!  As Lisa said, “it really does not matter what anyone else says, you are going to do what you want regardless!”  Well said!

I pray that you will have a great Sunday with Jesus!

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