
THURSDAY, 1/20/11

We had a good day in our services yesterday.  Our “Potluck with the Pastor” went extremely well with a strong attendance, great food and super fellowship.  I really enjoy our Wednesday morning service and I think it is serving a very useful role.  Thanks to all who attended, brought food, et cetera in order to make the day successful!

We also had a good attendance in our evening services/Bible studies.  We thank God for His many blessings!

T. Garrett, your grandmother told me where you have been and I am not a happy camper!  Thanks for the invite!

I know that we have already gotten at least one firm order for pearls.  Again, we fully anticipate having these in hand before Valentine’s Day and they make awesome gifts.  Contact Deidra to place your order.

I am having to use a vacation day today in order to take care of some personal matters.  I will be around but will not be “working!”

Found this quote earlier this morning:  “The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because by then your body and your fat are really good friends.” That helps me understand why I struggle to lose those pounds!

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

P.S. – Gena Davis, can you send me Allison’s mailing address?  Thanks!

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |


  • Donald Butler says:

    geee I though us pentecostals were the ones who love eatting…looks like we are not the only church that enjoys food and fellowship and food…
    Been meaning to tell you when i was in Virginia enjoyed reading your blog each day to keep up with church and news of community. Thanks for all you and Lisa do. we love you. Donald and Pat

  • T. Garrett Wright says:

    Brother Teddie
    At least she didn’t tell you I was with Tom and Sherry Compagner. You know you’re always invited to ski with me. Lake Placid was beautiful and Whiteface is a great mountain, biggest vertical in the North East. If your sold, put a group together and lets go. Johna and I are headed up again soon, but if I don’t see you then, I hope to see you in the beginning of February when I am in Grand Bay.
    Best Regards,
    T. Garrett

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