

The visitation with the Carmen Reyer family will take place this Tuesday, 1/17, from 9:30AM until the 11:00PM service time.  The visitation and service will take place from our church auditorium.  Pray for the family.


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Kayla Hatcher informed me this morning that Becky Hatcher’s mother, Mrs. Benedict, passed from this life last night.  Pray for Mr. Benedict, his children and their families.

The visitation with the family will take place tomorrow afternoon, 1/15, from 2:00PM until the 3:00PM service at the Forrest Funeral Home in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.


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Just received word that Miss Carmen departed this life and entered Heaven last night.  She & Bro. Louis are now reunited as he entered Heaven a little less than one year ago (February 3, 2016).  Pray for Carol, Monty and the family as they walk through this valley.  Arrangements pending.

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SATURDAY, 1/14/17

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading – Genesis 33-35; Matthew 10:1-20

Marie Brooks’ heart cath showed some blockage but nothing requiring any stents or surgery.  So that is good news!

Bro. Jerry was in Mobile yesterday so he made the other hospital visits but I did not contact him last night for an update.

A new chapter begins in Friendship basketball this morning at 8:00AM.  Pray for this ministry.

Our bus workers meet this morning at 8:30AM before going on visitation.  Pray for this ministry too.

Regular schedule tomorrow morning and evening.  I know folks are super excited about tomorrow’s morning message as it will be on giving!  I fully anticipate folks lining up early to get into the auditorium!  On a serious note, I am so thankful that God has given and that He allows Lisa and me to give in a small way.  It is truly “more blessed to give than to receive!”

Be sure and read my earlier entry about the “Children of the World” choir coming to Friendship on February 12!

Well, I was fired from coaching by our new “commissioner” Mr. Taylor.  However, when the need arose yesterday for someone to go to Mobile during the evening rush hour to pick up the uniforms, who gets the call?  If you guessed me, you are correct!  Folks, do I look like Mr. UPS, Will Reynolds?  Will is taller, thinner, much younger, darker, way more good looking and has more gray hairs than me – how could anyone confuse us as being one and the same?  But being the man that I am, I made the trek into Mobile to “help” the commissioner out of a bind!  (Actually, Lisa told me I was going or else!).

The “commissioner” contacts me at 10:00PM last night to inform me the scoreboard is not working – hello!  Do I look like a scoreboard mechanic?  Who waits until a few hours before the first game to check such important things?  It is going to be a long season!

Nanette basically pulled a fast one on me yesterday.  It was my “off” day but she begged me to come to sit with her during her mom’s cath as she would be all alone.  Well, Marie has been a good church member for many, many (ninety five, I think) years so I decided to do it for Marie.  They have to be at the hospital at 8:00AM, cath at 9:00AM, thirty minute procedure and I am out of there around 9:30 – 9:45AM.  I can handle that.  Not so fast my friend!

They did not take Marie until the afternoon – what is up with that?  I have a connection in the hospital who would later share with me that Mrs Brooks daughter had requested that her mother be the last cath patient of the day!  Are you kidding me?  I had prayed with Marie and tried to leave several times.  Each time I would go to leave, Nanette would begin to shed those crocodile tears and say, “what if something is wrong.  You cannot leave me here by myself!”

I knew I was in trouble when the first thing Nanette asked me was if I liked her jacket?  I was like, “sure!”  She then told me it was the jacket she wore on our first date in 1979 – wow!  The volunteer put Nanette and me in the little room to hear from the doctor after the procedure was complete.  There were two chairs and one love seat.  Do I need to tell you where she wanted us to sit?  I drew the proverbial “line in the sand” and got out of that room as soon as the good doctor said all was well!

I was so shaken by the events of yesterday that I “may” not have all of the details exactly correct!  Just saying!

I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.





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I am posting a separate entry to announce that World Help’s Children of the World choir will be with us on Sunday evening, February 12, 2017.  That service will begin at 6:00PM.  Folks, you do not want to miss this one!

Two or three years ago we hosted this choir (different children obviously) and they were a tremendous blessing and very, very well received by the Friendship family. We had an almost full house and that was on a week night (Thursday, I think) with a fairly short notice.  So, let’s go to a SRO crowd this time!

We are going to need six host homes (two have already been taken) for Sunday night, 2/12, and Monday night, 2/13.  The host families will need to host the children on Monday, 2/13, during the day as well.  So, basically our thirteen blog readers are getting the almost first opportunity on being one of these host homes.  Contact me personally if you are interested.

Jim & Glenda Chinners will be the lead chefs on a Sunday afternoon meal for this choir.  We are going to need help getting the auditorium ready following our second morning service that day.  We need to bathe this service in prayer.

So, mark your calendars now!  I am telling you that this is one you do not want to miss!

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FRIDAY, 1/13/17

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading – Genesis 31-32; Matthew 9:18-38

Bro. Jerry visited with Ruby Gulley yesterday and he did not think she was doing as well as she was whenever he saw her on Tuesday.  She remains in SICU.  Keep praying.

Miss Kathleen Henderson seemed to be some better yesterday morning when I visited.  She was asleep but she was not wearing the oxygen mask as she was the day before.  As a matter of fact, she was not receiving any extra oxygen.  I had talked to her daughter, Shirley, earlier and she said Miss Kathleen had shown some improvement.  Miss Kathleen believes in the power of prayer!

The situation with Becky Hatcher’s mother remains unchanged as far as I know.  Keep praying for Mrs. Benedict and the family.

Marie Brooks is scheduled to have a heart cath this morning.  Pray that all goes well.

It is my understanding that Charles Wainwright’s mother and Maria Wainwright’s mother are both hospitalized.  Pray for these ladies.

Austin Jackson had to have emergency surgery and will be in the hospital for a few days.  Pray that he recovers quickly.

I visited with Ray Baber yesterday afternoon.  He is recovering quickly and plans on being in our services this Sunday.

The Lord answered prayer yesterday but it is private in nature so I cannot share.  Just know that God is still in the prayer answering business.  By the way, I know of some prayers that are still looking for an answer!  God is able!

Friendship basketball begins tomorrow morning at 8:00AM.  Pray for this ministry!  Have I mentioned that this will be the first time since 1980 that I will not be coaching basketball?  The outcry has been huge as two folks have come to my defense!  Since we only have thirteen readers that is pretty high percentage – almost fifty!  I may just go down to I.G. Levy Park in Pascagoula tomorrow morning and walk my chickens just to occupy my mind.  I did learn yesterday that Randall Broome also got a “no” regarding coaching from the commissioner as Soy likes to call himself!  Randall has taken a team to the state tournament in years gone by!  Give me a break!

“Hey, momma is having a heart cath in the morning.   She has to be at the hospital by 8:00AM.  I was thinking if you would pick me up at 5:30AM then we could stop by Dick Russell’s for breakfast.  I mean DR is on the way to the hospital.  I am nervous about this procedure and when I get nervous I like to eat.  Who better to eat with than you?  It will be just like old times!  Plus, DR’s has a smoking section!  Let me know and I will be ready!”  A copy and paste job from an e-mail sent to me yesterday.  Wow!

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus!




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THURSDAY, 1/12/17

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading – Genesis 29-30; Matthew 9:1-17

Miss Kathleen Henderson was placed in ICU early yesterday morning.  She is pretty low physically as she is very weak. She told me yesterday afternoon, “I just want to go be with Jesus” which is something she has shared repeatedly with her family over the past day or so.  Pray for Miss Kathleen.

Ruby Gulley remained in ICU as of early yesterday afternoon.  She was not a happy camper and was not having a great day.  She was in hopes of getting moved into a regular room at some point yesterday.  Will find out today if that happened.

Becky Hatcher’s mother, Mrs. Benedict, is very low physically too.  She and Mr. Benedict live in Hattiesburg, MS.  Becky has been going to Hattiesburg often in recent days.  I think I am correct in saying that Becky’s parents have been married for seventy four years!  They were grade school sweethearts.  Pray for Mrs. Benedict and the family during this time.

Amy Huhn’s father is about to be discharged from the rehab facility.

No significant changes in those folks we have been praying for who are battling cancer.  Just keep praying.

Good day/night in our services yesterday.  The attendance in our evening Bible study in the auditorium was up.  Our morning attendance is always steady.  Our 7:30PM Bible study numbers were good as well.  God is faithful!

Friendship basketball begins this Saturday, 1/14, at 8:00AM.  Soy is in charge!  His first official act?  Fired me as a coach.  I have been coaching either RA or Upward basketball at Friendship since 1980.  Actually started the basketball program here.  Introduced the purple uniforms.  So, for the first season since 1980 I will not be roaming the sidelines as a coach.  Fired!  Canned!  Booted out!  Never given a reason!   I am in hopes that an online petition can be started.  Or a protest at the games this Saturday.  Or something!

I was pretty excited yesterday thinking our blog readership had reached fourteen.  However, I have since found out that Nanette Brooks Fontenot is mad and is staging a personal boycott so we are back down to thirteen readers.  Why is Nanette mad?  Apparently, she is still “fuming” (pun intended) over her smoking problem which I had nothing to do with.  I guess you could say that our relationship has “gone up in smoke!”

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.



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WEDNESDAY, 1/11/17

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading – Genesis 27-28; Matthew 8:18-34

I am so dumb!  I totally thought that I had posted a blog entry early this morning but I was wrong.  It dawned on me whenever I stopped by the house after the morning service to leave my Bible and iPad before heading to Mobile that I only thought I had posted an entry.  I am so dumb!

Bro. Jerry visited Ruby Gulley in the hospital yesterday.  He said she is doing well.  I am headed that way in a few minutes.

Peggy sent me an e-mail and said that Tim has had a rough start to his week.  He has now lost thirty five pounds.  Really struggling with nutrition.  He has ten more radiation treatments and one more chemo treatment.  His doctor tells him that after about three weeks from the completion of his treatments he will fill really good.  Let’s pray that to be true!

Marisa tells me that Carla had a restful night last night.  Pray for Marisa as she is burning the candle at both ends.

Pattie told us in the service this morning that Becky’s chemo treatment his time is a six months ordeal.

Cecil told us that little Holin is having a pacemaker put in place today.  She is in Atlanta.

Les told us that his great niece, Emma, remains hospitalized as they battle an infection.

Sierra Edwards’ son-in-law, Bobby, is back in the hospital in Birmingham.

So many prayer needs.  Pray without ceasing!

It was great to see Miss Ica Walley in our service this morning.  She told me afterwards that she cannot hear a single word I say but she comes anyway (may be the happiest person in the house!).  She did tell me that she reads the blog daily.  Miss Ica is ninety something years old.  That bumps our readership up to fourteen!  That is a record!

Got to go to Mobile.  Will visit Ruby and buy food for tonight’s 7:30PM Bible study.  Grilled ham & cheese, turkey & cheese or cheese & cheese.  Macaroni & cheese too.  Pies for dessert.  My wife is an amazing hostess!

Just remember this, “Bob Evans loves you like biscuits and gravy” (or something like that!).

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday afternoon/evening with Jesus.

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TUESDAY, 1/10/17

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading – Genesis 25-26; Matthew 8:1-17

Sorry for the lateness of this entry.  No excuses!

Pray for the Maxine Rogers family as they gather for her celebration of life service today at noon.  That service will take place at Mobile Memorial Gardens Funeral Home.

Learned yesterday afternoon that Pastor Wade Ivey was taken from this life in an accident.  I do not know any of the details but do ask that you pray for his family as they walk through this valley.

Carla Kyser met with her surgeon yesterday.  He told her to stay active.  That is a good report in Carla’s situation.  Keep praying.

Becky Sellers has begun another round of chemotherapy.  Keep praying for Becky, Dave and the family.

Tim Knighten continues his schedule of chemo and radiation.  Keep Tim in your prayers.

Not sure what the plans are for Lisa Thompson as far as the treatment for her leukemia.  Just pray for her.

Ruby Gulley is doing good in her recovery from surgery.  Keep praying.

Yes, I was in hopes that Alabama would win the game last night.  Did not happen.  Cannot win them all.  I congratulate Pastor Terry Rainey and Pastor Eddie Burdette as they are huge Clemson fans.  I like Coach Dabo too.  Lisa and I have gotten into our hotel room at 4:00AM for the past two mornings but we have enjoyed our two days away.  Folks, it is just a game!  No eternal significance!

True story – Lisa and I had tickets in the upper deck last night.  Took our seats and were good to go.  A lady tapped me on the shoulder and asked if we would be willing to change seats?  We were moved to the lower deck end zone and her husband literally tried to pay me for making the change.  A small blessing that we do not take lightly!

By the way, just to prove that the outcome of the game did not affect me.  When I finally got to bed this morning, I slept like a baby!  Woke up every thirty minutes crying!  LOL!

Regular schedule tomorrow morning and evening.  Lord willing, Lisa and I will be home this afternoon late or early evening.

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.



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MONDAY, 1/9/17

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:10

Today’s Bible reading – Genesis 23-24; Matthew 7

Tuesday, January 10 – Genesis 25-26; Matthew 8:1-17
Wednesday, January 11 – Genesis 27-28; Matthew 8:18-34
Thursday, January 12 – Genesis 29-30; Matthew 9:1-17
Friday, January 13 – Genesis 31-32; Matthew 9:18-38
Saturday, January 14 – Genesis 33-35; Matthew 10:1-20
Sunday, January 15 – Genesis 36-38; Matthew 10:21-42

Good Monday morning from Lake City, Florida.  Lisa and I arrived here safely at 4:00AM ET.  We did not leave Theodore until 9:00PM and then had to sit through two different accidents on I-10.  So, it has been a long night but we are thankful to have mad it this far safely.

Really good services yesterday!  God blessed!  Alivia Fox made a public profession of faith in our 10:30AM service and the Mike & Jenna Martin united with the Friendship family by promise of letter in our evening service.  The music was good in all of the services as the praise team did well!  Our instrumentalists did their usual wonderful jobs too!  We give God the glory!

The visitation with the Maxine Rogers family takes place this afternoon from 4:00 – 6:00PM at Mobile Memorial Funeral Home.  The service will be tomorrow at noon and will also be from the funeral home.  Keep praying for the family.

Oscar Petersen’s youngest son, Mark, age 61, passed away unexpectedly yesterday.  He was in Thailand.  Pray for the family.

Becky Sellers begins another round of chemotherapy today.

Carla Kyser sees a surgeon today.

This entry is short & sweet as I am tired.  I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.

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