
SUNDAY, 2/4/18

“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:32)

Happy birthday to Henni Tran!  Hard to believe but she is twenty six years old today.  While we never adopted Henni we claim her as a daughter (sometimes).  I hope her day is great.

Regular schedule on the Friendship campus today.  Jeff Holifield will share about the work of the Gideons in the two morning services and a love offering will be received in all three of our services.  Bro. Jerry Hovel will be preaching in all services.  My hope is that the members of the Friendship family will be faithful in all areas today.

I pray that you will have a great Sunday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |


Actually writing this entry on Friday night, 2/2.  The team had a good day.  Somehow the teams I lead always get sent at least ninety minutes way and this year is no exception.  Cannot complain but it certainly takes away from time that could be spent building.  Oh well, it is what it is.

Dean Kapenga is in charge of the building portion of this team.  I am just doing what he tells me which is always going to be concrete duty.  Since I am not in charge, I do not have a clear picture on what we got done but I think I know.  Three houses were completed minus hanging the doors and windows.  Two more are ready for the concrete.  Two more ready for the metal.  The houses are very spread out so you do not simply walk from one house to the other.  Makes it even tougher.

The team also did a food distribution.  I did not get a report on that but I am little concerned as it was led by Carla Mast – yikes!

Tomorrow marks the dividing of the team as Dr. John Nicely will lead the medical folks to do a clinic while Dean continues to lead the building team.

There was a protest in El Tejar today.  It had, and has, the potential to impact us in far greater way than Fuego did.  (Did I mention that Fuego had no impact on the Chimaltenango area?).  They are blocking traffic on CA-1 which is the main highway.

Pastor Terry Rainey did an awesome job of teaching us this morning.  Ditto for Carla Mast on the musical worship.

Thanks for checking on this team.  Keep praying.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |


Having some technical issues which affect folks being able to access the GRACE blog so here it is:

Good morning from GRACE Mountain.  Yesterday was traveling day for GRACE Ministries as team #1 went home and team #2 arrived.  Team #2 came in on two separate airlines.  Those flying Delta arrived a few minutes early and enjoyed a normal arrival day.  Those flying United were delayed four hours and did not get to the mission house until 8:30PMish.

Why the delay?  Basically it seems to have come down to a pilot’s decision.  Reminded me of a situation with another airline back in 2003 or so.  The first crew timed out and another crew came in so that pilot decided to fly.

The volcano had zero effect on GRACE Mountain and the surrounding area – zero!  You may say, “but social media” and I would simply say that social media cannot always be trusted.  Those who contacted me personally yesterday were surprised to hear that all was well here.  We are grateful to God.

So, we will begin an hour late this morning which goes against my personality big time.  However, this is not about me!  I am delighted that Pastor Terry Rainey is with us again.  We have locked him in a padded room and will not let him come out except to lead our morning devotions!

Pray for this team.  Thank you for keeping up with us.  Blessings!

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

FRIDAY, 2/2/18

“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:32)

Good morning from GRACE Mountain.  First, let me clarify something that got blown way, way out of proportion yesterday on social media.  Volcano Fuego did spew some ashes.  It did have a minimal effect on the Guatemala City airport’s operating procedures.  However, on GRACE Mountain you could not have asked for a more beautiful day weather wise.  The sun was shining brightly, the breeze was blowing, the birds were singing, the temperature was just right, it was basically a perfect day.  Yes, we could see the white “cloud” ascending from the volcano but nothing more.  Personally, I have seen that volcano be much angrier in years gone by.  Our team was coming in on two flights – one arrived a bit early and the other was delayed by about four hours.  Folks, you cannot believe everything you see or read on social media – just saying!

Really no update on the folks for whom we have been praying.  Just keep praying.

Friendship family, Gideons Sunday this Sunday, 2/4, as an offering will be received in all three of our worship services.  Jeff Holifield will bring a brief presentation in the two morning services on the ministry of the Gideons.  Bro. Jerry Hovel will preach in all three services.

On a personal note, I was disappointed in the U.S. Senate’s inability to pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act this past Monday.  One of Alabama’s senators voted against it – no surprise there.  Fourteen senators who are Catholics voted against it – surprise there.  Obviously the Catholic Church is staunchly pro-life.  I wonder how many Baptist senators voted against it?  Folks, science is on the side of the unborn child in this matter so this is not about what the Bible says even though it too is on the side of the unborn child.  Do you find it surprising that we holler about the children in DACA but decide that the unborn children are not worth protecting?  God help us.

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

THURSDAY, 2/1/18

“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:32)

Good morning from GRACE Mountain.  It is moving day as we had one team leave early this morning heading back to the States while another team has left the States heading for GRACE Mountain.  Pray for traveling mercies.

Word came to me last night that Jerry Whitmore and Sierra Edwards had a sister pass from this life.  Her service was yesterday.  Pray for that family.

I am also told that Brianne’s paternal grandmother’s situation has not changed significantly.  Keep praying for Miss Cheryl.

This Sunday, 2/4, will see the Friendship family receive a special offering for the Gideons and their ministry.  Jeff Holifield will share briefly about the work of the Gideons in our two morning services.  Bro. Jerry Hovel will bring a message in those two services as well as in our evening service.

My day yesterday consisted of one thing that does not really crank my tractor and one thing that I definitely enjoy.  Deidra and I made the trip into the city to buy groceries for the team that arrives today.  Way too much traffic and way too many people inside the store.  One good thing about their version of Sam’s Club is they load your groceries, take them to your vehicle, unload them in the vehicle and are happy to serve.

Late yesterday afternoon I made my way down into Chimaltenango and got a haircut and shave – o happy day!  What a great nap time!  The total cost for the haircut and shave was $2.60.  If I lived here, I would get a haircut at least once a week!

The only problem with the haircut was that Deidra was supposed to pick me up on the same corner where she dropped me off.  She was only like an hour late!  Typical Deidra!  I considered walking back to GRACE Mountain but she finally showed up.

Lizzi begins school today.  I get to go with Deidra to take her to her first day of school.  I am thankful for the opportunity. Afterwards, Deidra and I will drive to Tecpan to buy bacon for this team.

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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