
WEDNESDAY, 4/26/23

Regular scheduled on our campus today – morning and evening.

Bro. Abel tells me that Larry Crawley has an important meeting with the doctor today.  Pray!

Miss Maxine Ervin Dupont of Texas recently spent some time in the hospital due to asthma.  She is a faithful reader of the blog but much more importantly, she is a prayer warrior for all those mentioned as having needs.

Robert Baria sees an ENT today as he is still having problems with his throat.  He has some skin cancer removed from his face yesterday.  Pray for Robert.

Our student ministry will serve a meal next Wednesday, 5/3, following the morning service and before the evening service.  Pulled pork potatoes, salad, cobbler and drink.

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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