
TUESDAY, 3/5/24

Visited with Grady & Carolyn Walker yesterday morning.  The belief was that he would be discharged later in the day.  Not for sure that happened but he was better.  Honestly, Carolyn is perhaps in worse shape than Grady as she has added. pneumonia to her list of physical problems.  Pray for Grady & Carolyn.

Miss Vinnie missed both services Sunday which is way unusual.  She was battling an unexpected illness.  She called me yesterday afternoon and, in the course of our conversation, she told me that she was feeling much better.  Pray for Miss Vinnie.

Miss Vinnie called to give me an update on Rick Bradley’s mother.  Her surgery took place yesterday and all went well.  She will remain in ICU for a few days.  Pray for Mrs. Bradley and her family.

Major announcement regarding our soccer leagues.  Due to the forecast of fairly significant rainfall this Friday & Saturday, everything is being rescheduled.  The opening ceremony will take place this Sunday, 3/10, beginning at 3:00PM.  League play will take place Monday, 3/11, and Tuesday, 3/12.  Please pass the word.  Pray for this ministry.

I encourage you to go vote today.

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

MONDAY, 3/4/24

Rick Bradley’s mother was scheduled to have serious surgery in New Orleans beginning early morning yesterday but, as of around 4:00PM, that surgery had not started.  Pray for Mrs. Bradley and the family.

Grady Walker, as far as I know, remains in the hospital but is no longer in ICU.  I spoke to him Saturday and he was trying to get discharged but not sure if that took place.  Keep praying for Grady and Carolyn.

Really good day in our services yesterday.  We had good attendance in our morning worship service and much better than normal in our evening service.  Praise the Lord!

Probably seventy-five to eighty folks got the “I Am A Church Member” book last night.  Yes, we have more available.  You can stop by the church office during office hours or get one in the services this Wednesday.

I love Sundays but this Sunday, 3/10, will be my least favorite one of the year.  Why?  Time change which means we lose an hour on Saturday night.  It seems that folks never forget to “fall back” but often forget to “spring forward!”  Hopefully, we will reverse course this Sunday!

Our soccer leagues are set to begin this Saturday, 3/9.  The weather forecast is not favorable.  Regardless, pray for this ministry.

Our “I Was Glad” emphasis got off to a good start.  Thank you to those who attended Sunday School and the services.

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

FRIDAY, 3/1/24

Very short and sweet this morning.  Thank you for understanding.

Bro. Abel visited Grady Walker yesterday.  He remains in ICU but is off the vent so he is improving.  Keep praying.

I “think” everyone else for whom we have been praying is basically the same.  Pray for one another.

I will be leaving this morning driving to Danville, AL in order to attend the celebration of life service for young Beau Clark.  Pray for Beau’s family, Pastor Joe David Bailey and Pastor Spencer Bell.  Let me be a little selfish and ask you to pray for me as I drive on these wet roads to and from Danville.

The Lord gave Andy, Betty & me safe travels yesterday.  We are thankful!  Andy did a very nice job of sharing about his friend, Pat.  Keep praying for Pat’s family.

Lisa’s sister, Kim, will celebrate her birthday tomorrow, 3/2.  How old?  Not saying but she is a bit older than me.  I am good with telling you that I will soon be sixty-four.  Just saying!  Happy birthday, Kim.

Regular schedule on our campus this Sunday morning and evening.  Friendship family, bring six dollars cash with you to our evening service.  Just a FYI.

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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