“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:32)
Good morning from Grand Bay, Alabama. There is no place like home!
Bro. Jerry Hovel was discharged from the hospital yesterday. That is good news. Now we pray for him as he begins his physical therapy.
I heard from Wendy Johnston yesterday. Her mother continues to decline physically. Wendy will be traveling to Kansas at some point in the near future to be with her mother during what will most likely be her last days on earth. Pray for Wendy’s mother, Wendy and the family.
Kirk & Michelle Lightfield’s grandson went to a hospital in Guatemala City yesterday to begin his second round of chemotherapy. They did some things to get him ready and it is my understanding the actual treatment will begin at some point today and will then take forty eight hours to administer. Pray for young Brayden and his parents.
I know of other situations needing our prayer support but I do not know if I am at liberty to share those so I simply ask that you just pray. God knows.
Just learned early today that Derrick & Jodie are headed back to their assignment today. Pray for them and their children as they travel and then get back to the task at hand.
Amy Reynolds and Coley Johnson will make the call at some point today regarding tomorrow’s soccer games. I am leaving that call entirely up to them and I will fully support whatever decision they make. I will post their decision on this site once it has been made.
Lisa and I made the fairly long drive home yesterday. I came in a bit tired and looked forward to calling it a day. Not so fast my friend! Lisa said, “we have no groceries and you are going to Walmart now!” My reply, “are you serious?” Let’s just say that I will not have to go to Walmart today! Talk about a slave driver!
My today is slammed because of the anticipated rain coming tomorrow. I have more to do then I will be able to get done. Translated – the yards and the garden are screaming for attention. This will be a sun up to sun down day for me.
I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.