
SATURDAY, 12/3/22

Happy birthday to our daughter, Daphne.  How old?  Yep!  I know she has a busy day in front of her but I hope her birthday will be good!  She has a great husband who will make sure it is!  Lisa and I love Daphne!  (By the way, Bo Jackson just killed Alabama in the 1983 game and led Auburn to a 23 – 20 victory.  Just FYI!)

Our basketball leagues begin this morning and will play until after noon.  Pray for this ministry and that today will be a good day! I am very grateful to each person who helps in any way!

Tomorrow’s schedule on our campus is Sunday School at 9:15AM, worship at 10:30AM and evening service at 5:00PM.  Miss Tena Hovel and the workers will lead our children’s choir in presenting their Christmas musical.  I pray the members of the Friendship family will faithfully attend all of these services.

Our ministry to the convalescent home will host their annual Christmas party on Wednesday, December 14.  Folks who have signed up to purchase a gift for a resident need to bring those to the church no later than next Sunday, 12/11.  Contact Miriam Moates if you have questions or need more information.

Remember, the GA’s post office is now open for card exchanging within the Friendship family.  All proceeds from this ministry will go toward helping JZ Baker and his bucket list trip to Guatemala.  Thanks to Tina Sprinkle, the workers and the children for their involvement in this ministry.  Prayerfully consider supporting this great cause!

Keep praying for Steve Morris, Myrtle Bowden, Sharon Jardee, Kristie and the others for whom we have been praying.  Also, Brooke Whitehurst is having a multitude of health problems.  She also needs our prayer support.

I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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