
MONDAY, 8/7/23

I would ask you to join me in praying for the young man who suffered an apparent seizure at the close of our morning service yesterday.  He was admitted to the hospital and will have tests today.

Robert Baria seemed to be “better” yesterday but still has a ways to do.  Most likely, he will have to go into a rehab facility before he can come home.  Keep praying for Robert & Roseanne.

Scott Fontenot is scheduled to have his sinus surgery this Wednesday morning.  Pray for Scott & Nanette.

Pastor Brannon Lott from Wade Baptist Church in Wade, MS is in M.D. Anderson Hospital and is need of our prayer support.  Pray for him, his wife, their children and the Wade Baptist family.

We were blessed with a really strong day in our services yesterday.  Praise the Lord!

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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