
THURSDAY, 12/7/23

Coach David McCarthy had knee replacement surgery this past Tuesday.  He did well and came home the same day.  Pray for his recovery.

December seventh always brings two things to my memory.  First, Pearl Harbor.  Lisa and I visited there thirty years ago and it still impacts me today.  Thank God for those who have served and are serving in our military.

Second, Craig Kirschenman’s birthday.  Craig has been in Heaven for a few years now but he would never let me forget his birthday – never!  LOL!  I miss Craig!

Today is travel day for Deidra, Lizzi, Sydney, Audrey & me.  We will fly into Atlanta where Lisa will be waiting so we can drive home.  Expected time of arrival in Grand Bay is probably around 2:00AM tomorrow.  Pray for traveling mercies.

Keep praying for Jay Oakwood, Larry Whitehurst, Robert Baria, Jason Husband and Kristie Potts.

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

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