
MONDAY, 4/22/24

Can I be perfectly honest this morning?  The passing of Danny Lewis has shocked me and I still trying to process it as best as I can.  I had a full Sunday and, once I was able to be alone and call it a day, I just sat in our living room and just spent time remembering Danny while praying for Pam.  Pam has asked me to preach Danny’s celebration of life service and I have already been thinking “what do you say” and then, just like God, He gave me a word this morning through another pastor.  God is good!

Pam, along with Danny’s brother, David, will meet with the funeral home at 3:00PM today.  I will post an entry detailing the arrangements as soon as possible.  Keep praying for Pam and the family.

As I am writing this entry, Morris contacted me to let me know that Diane’s mother, Mrs. Brannon, is having open heart surgery now.  Pray for all to go well.

Also, just heard from Peggy Knighten.  All went well with the tests yesterday.  More tests today.  Tim will meet with the doctor later today to receive test results.  Keep praying for Tim.

Daphne and crew fly from Guatemala later today.  If all goes as scheduled, they will arrive home around midnight.

The Lord blessed us with a good day in our services yesterday.  Our attendance was not as “down” as I had thought it would be.  Thank you Friendship family for being faithful.

Soccer games tonight and tomorrow night from 5:00PM until 7:00PM.  Pray for this ministry.

Online sign up for our Fall flag football begins later this week.  The belief is that it will reach capacity by this weekend.  So, our thirteen blog readers have the advantage.

Please mark Sunday, May 5 on your calendar and make plans to join us for both services that day.  Evangelist Oliver Cagle will be preaching in the 10:00AM service and Pastor “Anonymous” will be doing likewise in the 5:00PM service.  Friendship family, do not miss this Sunday!  Pray!

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.




Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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