
TUESDAY, 5/7/24

Happy thirteen birthday to our granddaughter, Emmy Hutto!  Now Brad & Daphne have two teens to raise!  Bless them!  Lisa, Dana & I took Emmy to breakfast this morning and we will celebrate with a party tonight.  I hope Emmy has a great day!  We love Emmy!  Happy birthday!

I also want to wish a happy birthday to my younger sister, Deidra Tucker Burleson!  She is not turning thirteen today!  It was good to speak to her via the phone this morning.  Happy birthday, Deidra!

I just posted yesterday’s blog entry.  What happened?  I had written it and then forwarded it to Katelyn Johnson to proof and then send.  Just realized she dropped the proverbial ball!  (That is my story and I am sticking with it!)

I have visited with Miss Annie Hayes and Bro. Chris Scofield’s mother this morning.  Miss Annie “may” be moved to rehab.  Bro. Chris’ mother remains in ICU.

I will visit Grady Walker this afternoon as he too is in the hospital.  Pray for Grady & Carolyn.

Rachel Walton has had an uncle to pass from this life.  Details pending.  Pray for Rachel and her family.

Sharlene Sessions’ brother, Ernie, and his wife, Cindy, are both in need of our prayer support.  Pray without ceasing!

I received the following from a member of the Friendship family earlier today – “I’ve never liked to face anything that makes me feel uncomfortable. I guess I have more of a “head in the sand” kind of personality. But I’m working on my list and praying through them-and shedding some tears. This is the hardest thing I’ve ever done-but I sure needed it. Thank you for bringing Pastor Terry Sunday night. It was truly an eye-opening experience.”  My reply to this person was “wow!”

Friendship family, are you working on your list?

Regular schedule on our campus tomorrow morning and evening.

Bro. Abel & Candy are on a cruise.  Good for them.  (Rather them than me!)

Senior adults (all Wednesday morning attenders), we will have a fish fry next Wednesday, 5/115, immediately following our morning service.  Johnny Sessions is supposed to be catching the fish.  As of now, we have five loaves of bread and two fish – just saying!  However, Johnny seems to think that will be enough.  Remember, Stacey & Gayla are handling the potato salad, Lisa is handling the baked beans and the rest of you are bringing the desserts.  Anyone want to bring coleslaw?  Invite others to join you for this day of food and fellowship!

I pray that you will have a great rest of your Tuesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

MONDAY, 5/6/24

This entry is late.  I apologize.

First, the Lord certainly blessed and we had two wonderful services on our campus yesterday.  God greatly used Evangelist Oliver Cagle and Pastor Terry Glasscock to share His Word with us.  I was challenged and encouraged! Thank God for these two brothers and their willingness to be used by Him!

The visitation with the Houston Busby, Jr. family takes place this morning at Serenity Funeral Home from 11:00AM until the noon service time.  The burial will take place in Leakesville, Mississippi.  Pray for Gary & Rachel, Miss Paulette and the family.

Falling seems to be the order of the day lately.  Karen Walker and Carol Lucky both took falls last week and they have the bruises and discoloration to prove it – ouch!  Then, last night shortly after returning home after our evening service, Miss Annie Hayes called to say that she had fallen and was unable to get up.  So, Brad Hutto, Blake Jenkins and Blaine Jenkins joined Lisa and me in going to help.  Long story short – we had to call 911 to help.  Miss Annie had fallen at 10:30AM on Saturday.  Yes, almost thirty-six hours earlier!  She received no broken bones but is in the hospital.  Pray for Karen, Carol & Miss Annie.

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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