
MONDAY, 12/17/18

“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:32)

Let me begin by saying “thank you” to Tena, Sheila Booker and the children for a job well done last night.  I appreciate the effort and work that goes into such a production as that musical.

A second “thank you” goes to the Friendship family for a really great offering for Dale & Karla and Soy & Deidra.  I do not know the exact total as I am writing this entry but I know it was a very, very good offering.

A third “thank you” goes to Soy & Deidra for a job well done in yesterday morning’s services.  Not the same old same old in their presentation.  I fully expect a call from either Lee Fore, the Washington Nationals, Will Reynolds or Larry Whitehurst at some point today regarding the school.  First come, first served!

A fourth “thank you” goes to each person who helped with the food boxes yesterday.  Bro. Jerry & Tena had them ready but help was needed getting them to the vehicles.

Our next “big” thing on the church calendar is our adult choir Christmas musical this Sunday, 12/23, beginning at 3:00PM.  Please note the unusual starting time for this special service.  I am praying for a full house.  Pray for this service and then attend it too.  Side note – Bob Evans will be in the choir for the musical.  Enough said!

Our Christmas Eve service has the potential to be our highest attended service of the year.  We will begin at 5:00PM and end no later than 6:00PM.  I am asking each member of the Friendship family to give priority to attending this service.  We also invite folks from other churches not having a Christmas Eve service to join us – even our Pentecostal friends like Donald & Pat Butler!  It would be great if we could go SRO on that one.

I visited Bobby Joe yesterday in the hospital.  He was doing good and could be discharged any day now.  Keep praying.

Danny Lafferty suffered a stroke during the night Saturday after having heart surgery on Friday.  Pray for Danny.

Tim Knighten’s dad needs our prayer support.  He is not doing well.  He is in a rehab facility in Florida.  Tim & Peggy went to visit him yesterday afternoon.

JoNell Barnes remains in Birmingham with her daughter, Carol.  Pray for Carol and I look forward to having JoNell back with us soon.

Ok, eight days before Christmas Day 2019.  Slow down and enjoy the season.  We will host Pastor Shirlon and family for a meal tonight.  We only do this because Jennifer cooks some of the absolute best chicken & dumplings you have ever put in your mouth. Think Cracker Barrel on steroids!  (I am still very partial to Miss Idice Reeves’ dumplings but Jennifer does very well!)  Girl can make some candy too!

Beginning today, 12/17, the church office will close at 4:30PM.  This will allow Miss Edna & Miss Kittie to leave the office before it gets too dark.  So the office hours are now 8:00AM until 12:00PM and 1:00PM until 4:30PM Monday through Thursday.

I was blessed to be able to attend the 7:00AM Christmas service at the Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church yesterday morning.  I appreciate Pastor Forrest and the church family making me feel welcome.  I enjoy visiting other churches especially those who do things different from us.  It helps me.

This entry has been too long.  Sorry about that.  I pray you will have a great Monday with Jesus.





Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

1 Comment

  • Donald Butler says:

    Lord willing we will be glad to be there. We being Pentecostal love those 2 hour sermon’s and good hour or more song singing. Even hope to see Sis Lisa get loose in the spirit and shout all around the church. Even lead us in a good Jericho March! Plan on attending.

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