
THURSDAY, 12/19/19

“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalm 119:11)

Gloria Whitmore’s surgery went very well.  They kept her overnight in the hospital but she should be discharged this morning.  Her goal is to attend our Christmas Eve service next Tuesday.  Knowing her resolve, she will!  Pray for Gloria!

Miss Wilkinson did not get discharged from the hospital yesterday.  She was not a real happy camper when I visited her fairly early.  I will visit again today and get more details.  Keep praying!

Sammy said Myrtle did well with her treatment Tuesday but will be getting some extra shots this week so she could be a little sorer in the days to come.  Myrtle is doing well.  Keep praying.

Miss Vinnie reported last night her son, Buddy, has had some sickness with his treatments.  Pray for Buddy!

Miss Vinnie also shared that her great grandson, Case, is home from the hospital and doing very well.  Praise the Lord!

Bill & Debbie Kendrick’s granddaughter in Alaska had four wisdom teeth and another tooth surgically removed yesterday afternoon – ouch!  Pray for her!

Do you want our students to carol at your house tonight?  If so, contact Bro. Abel before noon today.  Wendy Johnston is in hopes the students will bring a sound system or she is afraid that she will not be able to hear them singing.  Said her hearing aids do not work well in colder weather.

Second day of our basketball league play this Saturday, 12/21, from 8:00AM until 2:00PM.  Pray for this ministry.

All Youth & Adult Sunday School classes meet together in the auditorium at 9:15AM this Sunday, 12/22.

“White Christmas” this Sunday, 12/22, during our two morning worship services.

Food boxes and angel tree gifts to be distributed this Sunday, 12/22, following our 10:30AM worship service.

Adult choir musical this Sunday evening, 12/22, beginning at 6:00PM.

Christmas Eve service from 5:00 – 6:00PM.  Our hope is a SRO crowd.  Pray, attend and bring someone with you!

Want to invest in the lives of around twenty students?  You can give five thousand dollars which will basically pay an annual salary for a teacher in our new school in Guatemala.  Interested?  Contact me personally or contact Deidra.

Bill Clinton was impeached by the House on 12/19/98 so it was almost exactly twenty one years later when President Trump was impeached by the House.  Personal opinion – I think social media played a big role in the current impeachment.  Our world is so different now from what it was twenty one years ago.  I do know this – our nation needs prayer!

It is a little after 4:00AM as I write this entry.  One source says it is 32 degrees outside while the other says it is 31 degrees so let’s go with 31.5 degrees!  They say it feels like 27 degrees.  So, we now know what our Yankee friends in Michigan and Mark Mast in Canada are talking about when they talk of cold weather.  The rain is supposed to move in Friday night, rain all day Saturday, all night Saturday and then a seventy percent chance on Sunday.  For me, it is a really good forecast as I love the rain in the colder weather.

It appears that the Alabama and Auburn football teams both enjoyed a good ESD yesterday.  The true story comes in three years or so.  Does Tua stay or go?  Definitely!  (Grant Tillman is my source today!)

I hope you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.  (I think I will take a quick swim before heading to the office.  Just kidding!  Was just seeing if you read the entire entry!)



Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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