
THURSDAY, 4/9/20

“So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience; bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you. Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful.” Colossians 3:12-15 (NASB)

The church office is open today from 8:00AM until 3:00PM.  It remains open during the lunch hour too.  However, we are not advocating that folks get out.

Have you tried the Kitchen of the Sea restaurant which is located on Highway 90 in Grand Bay just two doors West of the post office?  The owners, Vernon & Lisa, are involved in the Friendship family and they serve some really good seafood.  I like their grilled shrimp plate but I have tasted their fried shrimp and “oh my!”  Friendship family, why not make it a point at some point today, tomorrow or Saturday to stop by and get some food from Kitchen of the Sea?  Just tell them that Pastor Teddy sent you by and they will add five percent to your ticket!

Deanna Wetterer sent me a message a couple of days ago saying that she has exceeded the number of days that she has to be in quarantine and is feeling much better.  However, she is still basically remaining in isolation except for going out for the essentials.  Obviously, her advice is to take this virus seriously.

Karen Walker had been in self quarantine because of suspected case of the virus in a place where she had been.   She sent me a message last night saying the person had tested negative so Karen is no longer in quarantine.  That is good news for her too.

Eddie Albritton’s maternal grandmother passed from this life last night.  Pray for the family during this time.

Eddie’s dad remains in the hospital.  He has had another surgery but the hope is to possibly get him home this weekend.

Tim Knighten will meet with the doctor this afternoon to get the results of the scan taken last Friday.

Marie Brooks’ brother, James Lee, is not doing well and is seemingly in the last days of his earthly life.  He remains at home under the care of his family.  Pray for James Lee.

I do not have an update on Terrell Brooks’ friend who is battling COVID-19 but do ask that you keep praying for him.

Keep praying for Mary Jackson as she battles pneumonia.

My dad is not doing good at the present time.  My brother and the nurses feel he has lost his will to live.  We had a conference call with two of his nurses yesterday afternoon.  Thank you for your prayers.

We had a good online Bible study last night.  I appreciate Daphne hosting it.  However, I am changing gears next Wednesday night.  I will move to the church auditorium and will have a maximum of eight others join me there with the potential of having nine others in the Preschool Building.  Keith & Aninha Barrett get the first passes to be in the auditorium during this time.  More details later.

Grant prayed for the sick during last night’s Bible study but I could not hear him.  I messaged Daphne and said, “I cannot hear Grant!”  Deidra began to share and I could not hear her.  It was at that point that I realized the volume on my laptop was not on – hello!  Folks, you simply cannot fix stupid!

We are now in possession of a FM transmitter – hooray!  I am very grateful to my pastor friend, Mike Parker, for allowing us to borrow this important piece of equipment.  What does this mean?  It means that we will have drive in services this Sunday at 6:00AM, 8:00AM & 9:15AM.  How does this work?  Details forthcoming.  (Thanks to Will Reynolds for making sure this transmitter got delivered yesterday.  Will is Mr. UPS himself!)

I can tell you that I have asked Kim French to lead the opening prayer for our 6:00AM service Sunday.  She is excited!

Really?  Ninety degrees for a high today in Grand Bay and then a low of fifty six degrees tonight?  They are calling for a high of seventy one degrees tomorrow with a low of forty nine degrees tomorrow night – hallelujah!

There are some things in life that simply are not possible.  Classic example – it is not possible for Bob Evans to stay at home all day!  He is going to find a reason to drive somewhere – guaranteed!  He needs to be staying home but. . .

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus!





Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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