
SATURDAY, 4/11/20

“For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” (Matthew 12:40)

It now appears that we will be able to have our sunrise service beginning at 6:00AM without any, or very little, rain.  The forecast at the time of this writing now calls for thirty five percent chance during that hour.  I am grateful.

We will be staging the sunrise service on the South side of our Christian Activities Building.  Everyone is asked to park on that side with their vehicles facing the CAB.  The porch on the East end will be the platform (unless we change that today).  Please park the vehicles six feet apart and everyone must remain in their vehicle – no exceptions.  You will then be given instructions as to which radio station to which you need to tune your car radio.  Pastor Wes Bates will be preaching that service.

We are asking the each vehicle enter the campus from off Saeger Road on the East side of the auditorium and pass through the carport area before driving around back.  Several reasons for this – it will allow us to get a head count, it allows for folks to contribute to the offering and we will have a “treat” for each child in the vehicle fifth graders and below.

Please note that all buildings on our campus will be locked so there will be no restrooms or water fountains available.

Our 8:00AM service will take place from inside the auditorium where it will be live streamed and also available on the radio.  Folks driving into that service can park anywhere on our campus but we do ask that they go through the carport area first for the same reasons as listed above.  I will be preaching that service.

Our 9:15AM service will also take place from inside the auditorium and will be an exact duplicate of our 8:00AM service with the only exception being Bro. Abel will be bringing the message.

I want to encourage folks to consider “driving in” to at least one of our services unless you are providentially hindered or the weather is too bad.  While you cannot get out of your vehicles and fellowship with each other you can at least wave, honk the horn, et cetera.  If you are willing to use your phone’s data then you can even watch the second two services while listening on the radio.

I could use a few guys to help with the offering/head count during all three services tomorrow.  If you can help, please contact me via e-mail today before 4:30PM.  This is important.

The Lord has blessed and the Friendship family has done well in giving financially through this entire “different” scenario.  I am praying for a miracle offering tomorrow.  Even if you have already given in April, will you consider giving an “extra” gift tomorrow in order to help us stay on track budget wise?  Lisa and I plan on doing this and hope many others will join us.

The easiest way to view the live stream of our service is to simply go to our website – www.friendshipfamily.net.  Once there you simply click on the screen that says Sunday service and you are there.

Some of our blondes will spend today trying to figure out which side of the CAB is the South!  Ladies, you have about twenty six hours from now to figure it out.  You can do it!  With God all things are possible!

Remember, drive through the auditorium carport first tomorrow regardless of which service you attend.  Early service folks need to park on the South side of the CAB.  All monster trucks in the back, please!  Folks driving in to either of the second services can park anywhere on our campus as you will not see the messenger regardless since he will be inside.  Consider bringing an offering and/or an “extra” offering to the service tomorrow.  We will finish everything by 10:00AM and any bad weather is not expected until some point in the afternoon.

Which radio station?  Great question!  You will be told as you drive through the carport tomorrow morning.  Our media folks have their reasons for not allowing me to publish it beforehand.

I left fairly early yesterday morning and drove solo to Rocky Ford, Alabama in order to visit my parents.  I had an extremely good visit with dad and mama.  Dad was much improved and I left there encouraged.  I appreciate the many prayers for him.

Lisa graciously offered to go North with me yesterday but I refused to allow her to do so.  Driving up and back (over seven hundred miles total) in the same day is a little tough on the body and she just went with me last Saturday.  I usually can sleep some while she drives but yesterday I had no choice but to sleep some while I was driving!  It all worked out!  LOL!

My one observation today – absolutely no way Bob Evans can self quarantine until May 4!  Just not possible!

I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.  Hope to see you tomorrow!




Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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