
FRIDAY, 12/4/20

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1)

As far as I know, there are no new cases of the virus within the Friendship family.  As a matter of fact, in addition to me, I “think” there are only one, maybe two, others actively fighting this virus right now.  I hope that “thought” is correct.

Jeff Holifield was admitted to the hospital yesterday with viral pneumonia.  He “may” be discharged today.

I have heard of at least one other person who has been admitted to the hospital due to the virus.  So, pray for these needs.

A really good friend and his wife are set to become parents today.  Pray that all goes well, please.

Regular schedule on our campus this Sunday morning and evening.  Bro. Abel will be preaching in all three services.  The buses will run their routes.  Children’s choir will meet at 6:00PM.

I want to encourage the members of the Friendship family who have missed our services the past two Sundays to consider giving online.  Just go to our website, click and giving and it is really simple.  I will share that I cannot give on Safari but I can on Chrome.  Why?  Above my pay grade.

Coach Saban announced last night that he was given IV plasma last week once he was diagnosed with the virus.  Said he then had basically very few symptoms.  Well, I do not have the clout that Coach Saban does but I do know Dr. Aninha.  Hey Coach, I have had zero symptoms thanks to the Lord and Dr. Aninha!  What did Dr. Aninha prescribe?  Secret stuff!

Do I need anything?  Nope, I am blessed.  Lisa has done a great job of caring for me.  As she is leaving in the mornings she asks, “do you need anything?  If you do then you know where everything is!”  Around 8:00PM each night she says, “I am going to bed.  If you need anything you know where everything is!”  Perfect!

Loving the rain this morning.  It is not going to do so but I wish it would rain all day.  Just a slow, steady rain.  I love the rain!

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.


Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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