
THURSDAY, 2/4/21

Happy birthday to our daughter, Henni!  I hope she has had a good day!  We love Henni!

The heart cath on Miss Kittie went well and gives the doctor a good look at what he needs to do tomorrow concerning her valve.  Pray for Miss Kittie and this procedure.

Stacey Dyess’ mother passed away this past Monday.  The service took place today.  Pray for Stacey’s family.

The team in Guatemala had a good last day of ministry yesterday.  Dr. John & Robin Gissal spent much of the day extracting teeth.  The other team members did the house dedications.  Share time was sweet.

Five of the team members left GRACE Mountain at 4:15AM this morning.  If all goes well they will be at their respective home airports around 4:00PM.

The other seven team members (all Yankees) and I left GRACE Mountain at 8:30AM.  The Yankees are scheduled to arrive at Grand Rapids at 11:59PM but the wind and snow may have a say in that.  Lord willing, I will land around 10:30PM.

Thank you to each person who have prayed for the team.  They did a great job and their attitudes were top notch.  Deidra did an outstanding job of coordinating everything for the team.

We have twelve children from Colegio JET who need a sponsor.  Only twelve!  I would love to have these twelve children sponsored by the end of the day this Sunday, 2/7.  Forty dollars a month is all it takes.  Interested?  Need more information?  Contact Deidra at dtaylor0811@gmail.com.  Pass the word, please.

Regular schedule on our campus this Sunday morning and evening.

I pray that you will have a great rest of Thursday with Jesus.




Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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