FRIDAY, 9/17/21
Happy wedding anniversary to my brother, Eddie, and his wife, Sue. I “think” this is number forty five. I hope they will have a great day. I anticipate Dr. Rex Looney will take them to Big Bob’s for lunch today – how nice is that!
If everything went as planned, the medical folks put Buddy Brewer’s cells back into his body yesterday. Keep praying for Buddy and his family.
Word came to me last night that Jennifer Knipper Moss’ mother passed from this life yesterday afternoon. Pray for Craig, Jennifer and family during this time.
I imagine Bill & Debbie Kendrick are enjoying some really cool weather as they are in Alaska. Makes me envious and, yes, that is a sin!
Danny Lewis is set to retire on the thirtieth of this month. Good for Danny!
We are planning a church wide fellowship on Sunday, 9/26, at Presley’s Outing. Make plans to attend. More details this Sunday.
Lisa boards a plane this morning heading to Guatemala. Audrey turns seven on Wednesday and MeMe is going to be there to celebrate with her. So, I will hold the fort down here. As a matter of fact, I will be using vacation days Monday – Thursday in order to help in Lisa’s office. That should be interesting – LOL! Pray for Lisa to have a safe, good trip. (Anyone interested in buying some insurance? Asking for a friend!)
I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.
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