TUESDAY, 9/28/21
Jennifer Kirschenman had hip replacement surgery this morning and all went well – praise the Lord! Pray for Jennifer as she has now begun the healing process.
Miss Vinnie’s son, Buddy, is having the procedure done now and, if all goes as planned, he will be in the hospital for the next month. Keep praying for Buddy.
I received a special, urgent prayer request this morning. Not at liberty to share but do ask that you join me in praying for this need.
Regular schedule on our campus for tomorrow morning and evening.
The positive comments continue to come in regarding the church fellowship at Presley’s Outing this past Sunday. This appears to be one of those “if you missed it then you missed it” type happenings. Lord willing, we will do it again next year.
Our deacons will meet this Sunday afternoon, 10/3, at 4:00PM. Brothers, take note.
I pray that you will have a great rest of your Tuesday with Jesus.
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