
TUESDAY, 11/2/21

I failed to mention in yesterday’s entry that the back forty has never looked better than it does right now.  Rhett “McGyver” Butler lead a crew this past Saturday morning who trimmed limbs, cut down trees, filled in holes, and leveled the South side of that area.  I do not know all who were involved but I am very, very thankful for their work!

Also, Scott Older won the t-shirt for being the most popular station at our TOTAT Sunday night.  He was the hayride guy and he carried a full load each time except the first one.

Eddie Albritton gave up a few hours on Saturday to help me get an ox out of the ditch.  I am grateful!

The final total for the love offering for Soy, Deidra and the girls was $6, 047.10!  How about that!  Praise the Lord!  Soy & Deidra were blown away!  I was totally surprised as I know the Friendship family!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Buddy Brewer will travel home from Birmingham today – praise the Lord!

John Milton was sitting outside in the sun yesterday.  (You are not going to keep John in for very long.  I am just surprised that he was not doing something in his Fall garden!).

Beth Rockwell will be moved to a rehab facility soon.

Donna Glass will have surgery tomorrow.

There are a couple of other prayers needs that I am not at liberty to share.  Just pray!

Today is an important day in the life of our country politically speaking.  I hope it is the start of turning our country around in a positive way.

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus!


Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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