
SUNDAY, 12/5/21

Regular schedule on our campus today – morning and evening.  Bro. Abel and Bro. Jerry will be sharing the preaching responsibilities.  I pray the members of the Friendship family will be faithful to attend.

The team in Guatemala had a “different” Saturday.  The day began with a morning devotion where Evangelist Spencer Bell brought the team a message from the Word.  He did a really good job!

As the team was driving to Acatenango to continue the building process, the tool truck broke down.  Some of the tools were off loaded and placed in the vans so the team could begin building.  The truck was eventually towed to Acatenango and all was well.  Almost!  The truck with six guys left the village last and it broke down again not long after leaving Acatenango.  So, those guys waited for a couple of hours maybe waiting on another truck to come so the tools could be off loaded and take the guys and tools back to GRACE Mountain.  Chino, Edgar, Pastor Adan and someone else (do not remember who) went and towed the truck back to GRACE Mountain.

Meanwhile, the “mountain dwellers” hosted a meal for forty widows.  Pastor Roy Crouch brought the Word and Titus Crouch ministered in song.  Then the team took a group of students from Iglesia JET to the center of El Tejar where they presented a musical presentation along with a live nativity scene.  I am told that was good with one small hiccup – live animals do their “business” regardless of where they are!

Another group of families attended a Christmas supper last night and that went well.

So, it was a really good day.  All fifteen houses are built with only a couple needing minor hardware installed and that will be done Monday.  To God be the glory!

Today will be church, pastor’s luncheon, and more Christmas dinners.  Pray for it to all go well.

I pray you will have a great Sunday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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