
MONDAY, 2/21/22

Donnie Felps will have a surgical procedure today.  This will be the first of two procedures.  Pray for all to go well.  Pray for Marisa.

Miss Connie Hardy was not discharged from the hospital yesterday.  Maybe today.  Keep praying for Miss Connie.

We enjoyed a blessed day in our services yesterday.  Our attendance was strong in the morning services and very good in the evening service.  We had a lady come forward in the evening invitation and Bro. Jerry led her to pray to receive Jesus as her personal Savior.  Amen!

Thank you to those who responded regarding the June GRACE Ministries trip.  A no response or reply simply means that your name has been removed from the list.  If you change your mind later and there are spots available, you can join us but I am certain the cost will be more simply because of the airfare cost.

Lord willing, I will be driving a few hours today in order to meet with some fellow pastors about the work in Guatemala.  Pray for traveling mercies for me please.

The coffee from Guatemala is available at Lisa’s office today (9:00AM until noon; 1:00PM until 5:00PM).  We only have a few pounds of ground coffee left and around twenty pounds of beans left.  Great coffee.  Great gift.

What happened following the Michigan vs Wisconsin basketball game yesterday afternoon was not good.  Our society seemingly grows worse by the day.  Lord, please help us.

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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