
THURSDAY, 5/6/10

It is my understanding that they are going to open the wound on Pattie Suthoff’s hand again today.  She is really having a time with this staff infection. 

Bill Abendroth remains hospitalized.  Bro. Jerry saw him yesterday and he had a bad night on Tuesday.  I plan on seeing him today.

The doctors told Susan Quinn that the two spots are malignant.  However, they feel they were there all along and just missed on the original tests.  She will begin chemotherapy as soon as they can regulate her white cell count. 

One of Jeanette Bates’ students, Dylan Alcorn, will have surgery today in Birmingham. 

Amy Huhn is having outpatient surgery tomorrow.  Thea told me last night that her grandmother, Miss Joyce Bosarge, wasn’t feeling real good. 

Tonight is the mother/daughter banquet in the fellowship hall.  I am not sure what time it begins but it is before midnight! 

Soy left this morning bound for three weeks in Guatemala.  He wanted me to take him to the airport so, reluctantly, I did.  It was okay until he asked me to walk with him to his gate.  He doesn’t understand the whole security thing.  He tried to get some guy to take our picture.  I left!  Soy was crying and wanted a hug but I left! 

Anyway, he will be working with the first three teams of the summer with the first one arriving in Guatemala today.  This marks the beginning of 14 consecutive weeks with a team in Guatemala which will be our busiest summer ever.  God is good!

Marisa Felps and Grand Bay Auto Supply have been so kind to GRACE Ministreis over the years.  The blue truck needs a part which GBAS provided for GRACE.  I really appreciate Marisa’s heart for the ministry.

Here is my hockey update –

Interesting story – we needed to borrow a computer program from Danville Baptist Church.  Mandy Bowling is one of the ministry assistants there and she had created the password to get into the program.  She e-mailed it to me and it was – mickeyminniedonaldgoofymontgomery.  Seemed odd to me so I asked her why that password.  Her reply was that when setting it up it asked for four characters and at least one capital.  Wow!

By the way, the Celtics didn’t beat the Cavs last night since they didn’t play.  The teams are getting 12 days off between games.  No wonder the Finals are scheduled for August! 

Jason, I won’t say anything negative about Pastor Jack.  However, Joe David told me he goes in at 11, takes lunch from 12 to 3, and then knocks off around 4.  Says he stays real busy!  It is a wonder that he ever blogs but he is real inconsistent! 

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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