
THURSDAY, 11/4/10

On the point today – Teresa Ladnier & Mariam Moates.  Tomorrow – Clara Broadus & Rachael Jackson.  Saturday – Helen Ruth Brinkman & Tena Hovel.

Eula Mae Blackmon e-mailed last night to say that her daughter, Diane Scoggins, had a simple surgery that was much more involved than simple!  She is now okay after a second surgery.  Diane and her family live in the Ft. Myers, FL area and your prayers are appreciated.

It is my understanding that Kourtney Wadkins had surgery and remains hospitalized.  Teddy Ray Jackson’s father, Andrew Jackson, is in the hospital.  Brenda Poiroux got a good report after her procedure yesterday.  Earl Kirschenman says he is better but not great.  Nadine Holifield’s mother, Miss Myrtis Jones, had a procedure done yesterday but they could not complete it.  She remains hospitalized.  Sara Nell Moulds will have multiple biopsies tomorrow.  Alex Moreland went home from the hospital.  Merwyn Gunter took a fall and had to go the hospital for care.  Pray for these folks.

My great niece, Joslyn, remains in a Birmingham hospital and is receiving medication by drip.  They think her body may be fighting a virus that it no longer has so in effect fighting itself.  They should have some results today.  Thanks for praying.

Lisa and I drove to Easley, SC yesterday and visited the grave of Susan Blackmon Quinn.  It was a peaceful time for us but also made us realize just how fragile life is.  Pray for Edwin & Eula Mae and their family.

The revival services at Motlow Creek have come to a conclusion but hopefully the revival is just beginning.  What a great four days we have had together as we met with our sweet Jesus.  I appreciate the invitation from Pastor Terry and the Creek family.

Lisa and I left early this morning headed to Michigan and the annual GRACE Ministries pig roast.  This has been a good use of vacation days.  Pray for us as we travel.  Pastor Bob Harvey is traveling with us from Atlanta.  Friday will be a day of selecting bathroom fixtures, kitchen fixtures, et cetera from Ross Genzink’s showroom.  We travel home on Saturday.

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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