
FRIDAY, 12/10/10

Miss Martez Richerson’s sister, Inez Metts, is scheduled to have heart surgery today.  Pray that all goes well.

As far as I know, Mr. Walley’s condition remains unchanged.  I visited with Betty yesterday afternoon.  Cassie & Brodie came home from the hospital yesterday.  Miss Kathleen Henderson remains hospitalized as does Deanna Crawley.  I do not have an update on Bubba Benefield’s sister.  Pray for these folks.

Friendship family – we need those gifts for the convalescent home residents by this Sunday, 12/12.  Important!  Also, pray about the Lottie Moon Offering for international missions.

As I type this entry, it is almost 3:00AM.  I have been up for the past hour or so – could not sleep but I just read something that is now going to allow me to go back to bed.  President Obama is meeting with former President Bill Clinton today.  If only they would include Pastor Jack Bailey’s favorite politician, Al Gore, in that meeting then all would be well!

Some well known outdoorsman in Africa was attacked and killed by a crocodile as he was kayaking in a very dangerous area in Africa.  Sad news.  The part that caught my attention was the report that they have not recovered his body.  I am not real smart but I would suggest finding the croc and checking his stomach.

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.  Go to church this Sunday!

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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