
SATURDAY, 4/2/11

Bill & Jackie Goff need our prayer support.  Bill is better and may be discharged from the  hospital tomorrow pending test results.  Miss Jackie is in ICU and is not doing so well.  Pray for them and their family.

Marshall Hyatt, Debbie’s son, spent a couple of days in the hospital.  As I was on my way to visit him yesterday, “C” called to tell me that he had been discharged.  Not sure if they ever completely diagnosed his problem or not.  Pray for him.

Speaking of Debbie, the funeral service for Cameron Thompson took place yesterday morning.  Even though they were not blood relatives, the Richerson/Hyatt family were very close friends.  Pray for this family.

Spoke to Sherry Howell via the phone yesterday afternoon to check on her uncle, J.T. Johns, who was injured in an auto accident on Wednesday.  He remains in the hospital but could come home today.  Pray for him!

I hear the yard sale is going well.  I have always heard that “one man’s junk is another man’s treasure” and I now believe it!  Do not forget the meal/auction tonight.

The “salt mine boss” wanted me to come back to OB today but I told him that I had to spend some time with my family which translated means that Charles is demanding that I mow his grass!  He even watered it yesterday in anticipation of my mowing today!  My real hope is to get a few things planted in a garden today but we will see!

I am going with Butler & UConn in tonight’s games.

Dr. Mark & Dr. Karen Stid along with their three children stopped by for a late supper and fellowship last night.  It was a very quick visit but Lisa and I so enjoyed seeing them and showing them around Grand Bay (took three minutes – LOL).  They are driving to FL for a family vacation.  Mark leads the medical portion of our GRACE Ministries trips and Karen is very involved as well.  As a matter of fact, their whole office is involved with GRACE Ministries.

T. Garrett, your grandmother needs a good lawyer and legal help.  She is about to own a business in downtown Grand Bay!  The details are too “hot” for me to discuss in a public setting (we have almost 13 readers now).

Gotta go.  It is a little after 7:00AM and Charles is already calling to see “if” I am going to cut grass today.  Soy volunteered to help and then told me that he & Deidra are going to spend the day in New Orleans with Myrna from Smyrna and Curtis.  Par for the course!

I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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