
TUESDAY, 6/7/11

This entry is way late as it is already after 10:00AM.  I do apologize to the “early morning” readers.  Actually, Soy found out that I was using his internet service and added a password so I can longer do that.  How rude it that?

Mr. Olson Smyly took a fall which resulted in a broken leg.  He had surgery yesterday and remains in a local hospital.  Pray for his recovery.  Norman & Martez Richerson’s son-in-law, Jerry Lundy, is also in the hospital.  Carla Kyser continues to receive treatments as does Belvin McDonald.  Larry Whitehurst has gone back to work (I use that term very loosely) and will have another MRI in about a month.

Our first day of VBS went without a hitch I am told.  I think our number was down from previous years but I cannot verify that.  I was blessed to be able to drive a bus today.  The bummer for me is that my friend, Jason Husband, is not here this year.  Jason & I defy Myrtle!  She may tell everyone else what to do in VBS but not us!  (Jason has only called me about twelve times already!)

We will NOT have our 10:00AM service tomorrow due to VBS.  Please pass the word to those who attend that service.

Since I do not have internet at home, I am not keeping up with the news, do not have access to my e-mail, et cetera.  We do not have television either.  So, I cannot comment on what is taking place in the world.

Hope you have a great Tuesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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