

Heard from Bro. Chris yesterday kinda sorta.  They did arrive at camp.  They dealt with some really, really wet weather yesterday.  Nicole is driving up today so “maybe” I will get better reports from this point forward.  Probably not but there is always hope!

We are on a regular schedule today/tonight.  This is the first Wednesday of a new church year for the Friendship family.  What a great time to start joining us on Wednesdays or to recommit to being faithful!

Today is Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day as proclaimed by Mike Huckabee.  I went Monday and bought sandwiches for tonight’s 8:00PM Bible study (I just checked the ice chest and they still look pretty good!)  I think Ross Hatcher is going to serve as the greeter, cashier, cook, custodian, et cetera at one of the local Chick-fil-A’s to show his support!  I am praying for a positive statement to be made today by those who believe in the family as defined by the Bible.  Again, do not go with $3 or you will just be window shopping!

I know Joe David and Lori Bailey love the Olympics but it is hard for me to watch when I already know the outcome.  (The same does not apply to Bama football!)  However, if the Summer games had curling like the Winter games. . . .

All of you texters need to be aware that beginning today, 8/1, it is against the law in Alabama to text while driving.  However, you can still talk on your cell phone while applying your make up while eating your sausage biscuit while reading the newspaper while driving.  (For the record, I favor the texting ban!)

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |


  • Nicole says:

    Oh Bro. Teddie! Expect a call later today…or a text and I will give you a full update of camp.

  • Joe Bailey says:

    WE stay off of the internet all day so we don’t know the results. I agree with you if you know them. It’s been productive for me staying off Twitter.

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