
THURSDAY, 4/18/13

Liz Cole’s sister-in-law, Tanya, coded during surgery on Tuesday and is now in a drug induced coma in SICU.  Bro. Kerry visited with her yesterday and had a word of prayer.

Infant Bailey Browning in Alaska has an infection which prevented the doctors from doing the surgery yesterday.

Sharon Jardee will have most tests today and remains hospitalized.

Heather Baria’s doctors tend to think that her problem is an infection in her lungs but they do not know what type infection.

Marisa Felps has an uncle who was burned in a house fire.  He was not expected to live but I do not have an update yet this morning.

Heard from Mark Hubbard last night.  Courtney received her first treatment yesterday and will be heading home today.

Donald Loyd will be traveling to the M.D. Anderson hospital in Houston today.

Kathleen Henderson, Imogene Reviere, and Kay Landry were all discharged from the hospital.

We had a good day in our services yesterday/last night.  We give God the glory!

Kaitlyn Mast will be our special guest this Sunday as she will be sharing the Word in song.  I look forward to her ministry.

The money folks from the Friendship family i.e. Bro. Chris & Nicole, Rusty & Caryn, Betty Clair will be going to hear Tim Tebow speak tonight.  That raises a question – how can Rusty pay to go hear Tebow on a Thursday night but cannot attend a “free” Bible study at his own church on the Wednesday night prior?  Just saying!  (The “beast” from the pawn shop really should go hear Timmy as she needs all of the spiritual help she can get!)

Lakers win!  Lakers win! Lakers win!  Levi Seymour and I are happy campers today!

Was able to have some more “quiet time” from 4:30PM until 6:00PM yesterday afternoon.  Lisa visited and told me that my strawberry plants looked good.  Problem is that I do not have any strawberry plants!  Actually, she knew that and was just joking.  My wife is not only great looking but is very smart too!  Am I blessed or what!

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus!




Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |


  • Liz Cole says:

    Thank you church family for your prayers for Tanya. She is now in a natural coma and needs a miracle to stay with us. She accepted the Lord as her Savior in the last few months and has been asking many questions about salvation and the Word in recent weeks. Jack, her husband and my brother, is so sad. Please lift him and his spiritual position up to Jesus too. Thank you that I can have confidence that there are those of you who will actually do this. We serve a wonderful God together.

  • Kathy Ladnier says:

    Sara’s surgery that was scheduled for Tue April 23 has been psotponed as the doctor and surgeon come to an agreement on her treatment. Pray that GOD gives them guidance on how to proceed in treating her. Thank you for being concerned for her. Praise GOD!

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