
SATURDAY, 5/11/13

Craig Kirschenman’s situation remains unchanged (as of 4:45AM).  Visited with him and Mr. Earl yesterday morning.  Craig Carroll is the Nurse Manager in that unit and he has been awesome in helping the family through this time.  Jordon Zirlott works in another unit and he has been great to go check on Craig and send me updates.  (How is it that Jennifer Z is not as nice as her husband?  I mean, she works there too (custodian or gift shop maybe?) and has not sent me one update!  Thanks for nothing Jennifer!)

Speaking of Jordon & Jennifer, their pastor, Bro. Smith, is in a local hospital.  Originally thought to be a heart attack but they are thinking something else now.  Pray for him.

Sierra Edwards posted a comment on yesterday’s entry updating us on Eddie Whitmore’s situation.  I forgot to mention that Eddie is her brother too!  (She is just so much better looking than Jerry that it is hard to believe they are siblings!  LOL!)

Frances and the baby (Waylon) are doing well.  I assume the same for Miss Barbara Nevin.  No change in Tanya Love’s situation.  No updates on those battling cancer.  Sharon Jardee has plans to be in our service tomorrow morning.

Apparently, someone hacked into our system yesterday.  Jim C asked me to announce that the fundraiser had been cancelled.  I wrote two paragraphs and signed off.  Courtney & Katie made me aware of a third paragraph and blamed me – can you believe it!  I have asked our IT guys to check into it and, once the person(s) is caught, we will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law!

Lisa got the oil changed at a local lube shop yesterday.  Advertisment = $29.95.  Total charge = $95.34.  Really?  I will not mention the name of the business or the name of the owner as I am above that!  (BTW, do not forget that Joey Switzer plans to have his gym open soon!)

Had five hours of quiet time yesterday afternoon.  Translated – worked in the garden!  The garden is struggling a bit as I am no Greg Boutwell, Bobby Broome or Louis Reyer.  Apparently, I am no Will Reynolds either, as his wife, Amy, let me know a few days ago that Will can “flat out grow a garden” and that is just one of the many things that he can do!  She said the answer to the question, “what can brown do for you?” is that her “man in brown” can do it all!  Seriously?

Regular schedule tomorrow.  As it stands right now, Lisa and I will be sharing about our recent trip to Israel in tomorrow night’s service.  We will not be long and do not plan to be boring!

I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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